Posts Tagged ‘news’

NAMM Reverb Stage on the Terrace Presents Jon Hammond Funk Unit

June 10, 2017

#WATCHMOVIE HERE: NAMM Reverb Stage on the Terrace Presents Jon Hammond Funk Unit

Jon’s archive

Nashville, Tennessee​ — 3PM Sharp Jon Hammond Funk Unit will hit on Terrace Stage Nashville Music City Center. Film: FULL HighDef Jon Hammond Funk Unit: Lee Oskar​ special guest harmonica, Chuggy Leslie J. Carter​ percussion, Louis Flip Winfield​ drums, Cord Martin​ tenor saxophone, Roland Barber​ trombone, Jon Hammond​ organ – Greg Herreman​ productions manager, Michael Apodaca & Alex Moore audio / Sound Image Nashville – The NAMM Show​ Summer NAMM Show​ Summer NAMM Show

#SummerNAMMShow #NammShow #ReverbStage
Performance Info Thursday, July 13, 2017 –

3:00pm to 3:40pm NAMM Terrace Stage (Parking Level) Add to Calendar Artist Info Joe Berger Guitarist Cord Martin Tenor Saxoponist Roland Barber Trombonist Louis ‘Flip’ Winfield Drummer Leslie ‘Chuggy’ Carter Percussionist Jon Hammond Organ (possible) Lee Oskar Harmonica Genre: Jazz

Wow…less than a month until Summer NAMM Show at Nashville Music City Center! c u real soon! C’mon out to the Terrace, we’re kicking it off first day at 3PM folks – Location: NAMM Reverb Stage on the Terrace
Musician lineup:
Joe Berger – Guitarist
Cord Martin – Tenor Saxoponist
Roland Barber – Trombonist
Louis ‘Flip’ Winfield – Drummer
Leslie ‘Chuggy’ Carter – Percussionist
Jon Hammond – Organ
(possible) Lee Oskar – Harmonica
Genre: Jazz

What’s Happening Cousin Albert?!
Jon Hammond & Albert Einstein

Endorsed By: Hammond Suzuki Producer Jon Hammond Language English Jon’s archive Roy Clark Television Interview with Jon Hammond just before Roy appeared on the American Eagle Awards in Nashville Tennessee during Summer NAMM Show – Roy Clark an American Living Legend and long-time member of The Grand Ole Opry and The Country Music Hall of Fame

with Joe Lamond on the band in Frankfurt musikmesse!

– Jon Hammond and Wolfgang Lücke backstage just before hit time!

NAMM Reverb Stage, On the Terrace, Summer NAMM Show, Funk Unit, Jon Hammond, #HammondOrgan #CableTVShow #SurpriseGuests #JoeLamond

HammondCast Thirty Three

June 7, 2017

#LISTEN TO AUDIO HERE: HammondCast Thirty Three

Jon’s archive

HammondCast 33 on KYOU KYCY 1550 AM Jon Hammond broadcasting from Hamburg Germany..snow still on the ground here. Live radio show from Jazzhaus Radio concert with Hamburg musicians Sandra Hempel guitar, Frank Delle tenor sax, Heinz Lichius drums, Jon Hammond on XK-3 Hammond organ + bass
Foto: L to R Heinz Lichius, Sandra Hempel, Jon Hammond, Lutz Büchner (RIP)

also news about Minsk Belarus and dedication of Jon’s song “Soon I Will Be Free”, live “Lydia’s Tune”, Oakland A’s announcement of partnership with KYCY/KYOU 1550 AM and story of Saul Salsakovitch! and “Czechoslovakian Salsa Song” live in Music Club Live in Hamburg Germany.

foto ndr studio 1 – L to R Joe Gallardo, Heinz Lichius, Jon Hammond, Lutz Büchner, Rudy Grosser

Jon Hammond – memb. Associated Musicians of Greater New York Local 802 AFM union and Local 6 SF CA hammondcast @jazzfederation Heute Abend #Jazz #MusicClubLive #Hamburg #HammondOrgan

Jon’s archive


jazzkeller “Czechoslovakian Salsa Song” musikmesse Warm Up Party – “The FINGERS…are the SINGERS!”
musikmesse “Warm Up Party”
Jon Hammond & Band

Jon Hammond – organ
Joe Berger – guitar
Peter Klohmann – saxophone
Giovanni Totò Gulino – drums

Black and White Photos courtesy of Elmar Lemes

Mr. Hammond has toured worldwide since 1991 using the incredible Sk1
organ by Hammond Suzuki..™ “Classic Hammond Sound…In A Suitcase!”

The Jon Hammond Show is a funky swinging instrumental revue, featuring
top international soloists. The show has universal appeal. Big Hammond
orgel sound – 100% organic

Jon Hammond’s equipment
Hammond Sk1 organ
powered by Markbass bass amplifier
special thanks Eugen and jazzkeller Team
black and white photographs courtesy of Elmar Lemes
Saray Pastanesi Frankfurt baked the beautiful chocolate chocolate birthday cake for Jon Hammond and his guests

Thank you to everybody for keeping this beautiful tradition going,
celebrating 31 consecutive years musikmesse Jon Hammond Joe Berger &
music composed by Jon Hammond ©JON HAMMOND International American Society of Composers, Authors & Publishers (ASCAP) as seen on The Jon Hammond Show MNN TV Channel 1
34th year of Jon Hammond’s cable TV show

Producer Jon Hammond
Language English

Published April 27, 2017
Usage Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0
Topics Musikmesse, Warm Up Party, jazzkeller, Jon Hammond, Birthday, Czechoslovakian Salsa, Hammond Organ, tenor saxophone, guitar, drums, Ascap Composer, Black and White Photos, Elmar Lemes, Saray Pastanesi Frankfurt, Bakery, Chocolate Cake, #BlackandWhite #ChocolateCake #Jazzkeller #Musikmesse #HammondOrgan

L to R Michael Leuschner, Heinz Lichius, Lutz Büchner, Jon Hammond, Fiete Felsch

Czechoslovakian Salsa, Jazz, Blues, Hammond Organ, Accordion, Hamburg, #HammondOrgan #JazzFederation #Radio

Jon Hammond Show 06 10

June 5, 2017

#WATCHMOVIE HERE: Jon Hammond Show 06 10

Jon’s archive

Jon Hammond Show public access TV show broadcast channel 1 on Manhattan Neighborhood Network Air Time: 01:30 AM EST on 06/10
First segment “Lydia’s Tune” from 1st Jon Hammond​ album (Late Rent) written in Paris 1981 after flying aboard the Concorde​ jet – JFK to CDG in 3 hrs. 26 minutes supersonic – performed here at Jon Hammond’s 19th annual musikmesse​ Session in Jazzkeller Hofheim​ with the tenor saxophonist Peter Klohmann​, Giovanni Totò Gulino​ drums, Joe Berger​ guitar, Jon Hammond at the Sk1 Hammond organ ©JON HAMMOND International ASCAP

Second segment Get Back In The Groove by Jon Hammond Funk Unit on the Acoustic Nation NAMM Stage in Concert – dig the natural reverb in cavernous high-celing lobby of Nashville Music City Center – Artist Info
Joe Berger: Guitar
Roland Barber: Trombone
Louis Flip Winfield: Percussion
Jon Hammond: Organ
Cord Martin : Tenor Saxophone
Jazz JON HAMMOND Instruments: Organ, Accordion, Piano, Guitar Attended: Berklee College of Music 1974, City College San Francisco Languages: English, German Jon is closely identified with the two main products of his career, the Excelsior Accordion and the Hammond Organ. Musician: Jon Hammond is one of the premier B3 PLAYERS in the world. Jon has played professionally since age 12. Beginning as a solo accordionist, he later played Hammond B3 organ in a number of important San Francisco bands. His all original group HADES opened shows for Tower of Power, Quicksilver Messenger Service and Michael Bloomfield. Eddie Money and Barry Finnerty became musical associates. Moving East he attended Berklee College of Music and played venues as diverse as Boston’s “Combat Zone” in the striptease clubs during the ’70’s and the exclusive Wychmere Harbor Club in Cape Cod, where he was house organist with the late great trumpet player Lou Colombo and developed a lasting friendship with House Speaker Tip O’Neill. He also toured the Northeast and Canada with the successful show revue “Easy Living”, and continued his appearances at nightclubs in Boston and New York. Subsequently Hammond lived and traveled in Europe, where he has an enthusiastic following. TV/Video Producer: In 1981 Jon formed BackBeat Productions. Assisted by Lori Friedman (Video by LORI), the innovative TV show “The Jon Hammond Show” became a Manhattan Cable TV favorite. Jon’s “Live on the street” video style included news events, as well as live music/video clips of Dizzy Gillespie, Paul Butterfield, Jaco Pastorius, John Entwistle, Sammy Davis Jr., Percy Sledge and many others. The weekly show is now in it’s 32ns year and has influenced the broadcasts of David Letterman and others. Billboard Magazine hailed Jon’s show as “The Alternative to MTV”
Third segment I wrote this one for my friends at PIA because they let him take a lot of baggage over many times in the old days on Pakistan International Airlines​ – Joe Berger​ gets down on his custom JJ Guitars​ JB model here, Tony Lakatos Pmauriat Albest​ tenor saxophone, Giovanni Totò Gulino​ drums, Jon Hammond at the Hammond SK-1 organ + bass ©JH INTL ASCAP – Jon Hammond’s annual musikmesse​ Warm Up Party 27th year in Jazzkeller​ – as seen in Journal Frankfurt​ article
Jon Hammond zum 27. Mal auf der Musikmesse
Nomen est omen. Der Mann heißt Hammond und spielt eine Hammond. Der Organist aus New York freut sich auf Frankfurt und lädt zur Musikmesse Warm Up Party am 9.4. in den Jazzkeller ein.
JOURNAL FRANKFURT: Was war für Sie zuerst da – die Frankfurter Musikmesse oder Auftritte im Jazzkeller?
Jon Hammond: Die Musikmesse. Ich kam 1987 zum ersten Mal nach Frankfurt, zusammen mit Joe Berger, der auf der Messe für Engl Amplifiers spielte. Wir flogen mit der Lufthansa ein und teilten uns ein Zimmer im berühmten Prinz Otto Hotel am Hauptbahnhof. Schon in der ersten Nacht stellte mir Joe den großen John Entwistle, den Bassisten von The Who vor. Es wurde eine lange Nacht, in der wir Cognac tranken und Erdnüsse knabberten in eiern Suite des Marriott Hotels. Ich habe Joe bei einer Session mit John und Ringo Starrs Sohn Zak Starkey im Dorian Grey Club gefilmt bei einer Soundcheck Party. In den ersten paar Jahren spielte ich nicht oft live weil ich noch keine transportierbare Hammond Orgel hatte vor 1991 als ich den Prototyp einer XB-2 Hammond Orgel bekam mit der ich dann um die Welt reiste. Hauptsächliche dokumenierte ich aber die Messe für meine Cable TV Show in New York, die inzwischen im 29. Jahr als The Jon Hammond Show — Music, Travel and Soft News präsentiert. Die harten Nachrichten überlasse ich CNN und den großen Networks (lacht). Vom ersten Jahr an fühlten wir uns der Musikmesse eng verbunden, haben seitdem eine tolle Zeit hier, kommen jedes Jahr wieder bis wir kleine, alte Männer sind.

Das Jazzkeller-Konzert am Vorabend der Musikmesse ist zu einer netten Tradition geworden – wie kam es dazu, was bedeutet es Ihnen und wir werden Sie dieses Jahr diesen Abend im Jazzkeller zelebrieren?
Ab 1991 lernte ich mehr und mehr Musikmesse-Menschen kennen und die mich und auch einiges von meiner Musik. Einige von ihnen ermunterten mich, doch auch für Auftritte nach Deutschland zu kommen weil es hier doch ein Interesse an Hammond-Orgel-Groove-Music gab. Mit der schon erwähnten, kleinen, kompakten aber sehr kraftvollen Orgel war das alles möglich. Zudem machte ich in New York gerade eine schwere Zeit durch, mein Vater war gestorben und ich hatte das Gefühl, einige Veränderungen könnten meinem Leben gut tun. Also kam ich nach Frankfurt mit meiner XB-2, allerdings mit einem Rückflugticket falls etwas schief gehen würde. Ich rief viele Musiker an, ließ sie wissen, ich bin jetzt da, lasst uns zusammen spielen. Das war für mich der Anfang einer langen, sehr speziellen Beziehung, vor allem zum Frankfurter Publikum nach ersten kleinen erfolgen im Jazzkeller und einer kurzen Auftritt im Hessen Report im Fernsehen. Beatrix Rief verdanke ich dieses “lucky light on me”, eine tolle Erfahrung. Seitdem nenne ich Frankfurt “My Good Luck City” und im Jazzkeller begann auch alles für mich als Musiker. Deshalb liegt mir der Club auch so nah am Herzen, deshalb hatte ich auch die Idee, meine “Musikmesse Warm Up Party” dort zu realisieren, immer in der Nacht bevor die Messe startet was zu einer schönen Tradition wurde. Im ersten Jahr, in dem ich dann auch ein wenig Sponsoring von Philip Morris bekam, konnte ich damit einige Flugtickets für befreundete Musik bezahlen. Darüber war ich sehr glücklich. Dabei rauche ich selbst gar nicht.

Wie würden Sie Ihr persönliches Verhältnis zu Deutschland und Frankfurt beschrieben?
Lassen Sie es mich so sagen: ich liebe Frankfurt und die Frankfurter waren immer gut zu mir in all den Jahren. Ich könnte ein ganzes Buch über die Zeit schreiben, in der ich in Bornheim wohnte und Nacht für Nacht in der alten Jazzkneipe in der Berliner Straße auftrat. Das war der Treffpunkt, wo auch die Musiker der HR Bigband hinkamen und es gab eine generöse Chefin in der kleinen Kneipe. Auch Regine Dobberschütz und Eugen Hahn im Jazzkeller waren wahre Jazzengel für mich, die mir so vieles ermöglichten in der Zeit. Wir konnten auch in den Studios von AFN Radio spielen, waren die einzigen Musiker, die das – mit einer Sondergenehmigung des US Militärs – durften. Für ein wenig Promotion für die Musikmesse. Wir nannten das Programm für die AFN “Profile TV “-Show “Sound Police”. Wir hatten viel Spaß. Kein Wunder also, dass ich Frankfurt als my home away from home begreife und ich mich jedes Mal wieder freue zur Musikmesse zu reisen, in diesem Jahr übrigens zum 27. Mal in Folge. Und ich bin diesmal besonders aufgeregt, heim nach Frankfurt zu kommen weil ich gerade 60 Jahre alt geworden bin.

Wer wird in diesem Jahr zum Gelingen des Konzertes mit teils komponierter, teils improvisierter Musik, so nehme ich an, beitragen und was für einen Sound wird die Band präsentieren?
Ich habe etwa 90% der Kompositionen geschrieben, die wir spielen werden. Es ist die Musik, die man auch in meiner New Yorker TV-Show hören kann und die mich mehrmals um die Welt getragen hat. Meinen Stil nenne ich “Swinging Funky Jazz and Blues” und featurert die ganz wunderbaren Solisten in meine Band: Tony Lakatos, den großen ungarischen Tenorsaxophonisten, der auch Mitglied in der hr Bigband ist, dann meinen alten Freund Giovanni Gulino, diesen tollen Schlagzeuger, der schon für fast alle Großen der Szene getrommelt hat. Ich liebe diese Jungs. Als Gitarrist ist mein alten Freund und Kollege Joe Berger dabei, den man auch als The Berger-Meister kennt. Auf diese Formation bin ich wirklich stolz.

Werden Sie im Jazzkeller wieder eine Hammond Orgel spielen?
Ja, sicher, das neueste Modell, eine Sk1, die exakt so klingt wie die legendäre B3. Ich liebe sie. Und sie wiegt nur noch sieben Kilo (Anm. des Autors: Das Original, ein echtes Möbel mit viel Holz, mussten immer zwei Menschen mit viel Muskelkraft die Treppen rauf und runter hieven), ein deutliches Indiz, dass wir in der Zukunft angekommen sind. Da stecken viele Jahre Forschung und Entwicklung drin, auch Bühnenerprobungen. Ich ziehe den Hut vor den Ingenieuren von Suzuki, ein unverwüstliches Instrument erschaffen zu haben. Und das unterziehe ich jetzt einen echten Härttest (lacht).
27. März 2013 Interview: Detlef Kinsler

Producer Jon Hammond
Language English

Public Access TV, Jon Hammond Show, Funky Jazz, Hammond Organ, Original Music, Travel, Soft News, #Hammond #HammondOrgan #MNNTV #Namm #musikmesse #Jazz

Jon Hammond Funk Unit Will Kick Off Summer NAMM at 3PM Sharp Thurs July 13 Nashville

June 4, 2017

#WATCHMOVIE HERE: Jon Hammond Funk Unit Will Kick Off Summer NAMM at 3PM Sharp Thurs July 13 Nashville

Jon’s archive

Nashville, Tennessee​ — 3PM Sharp Jon Hammond Funk Unit will hit on Terrace Stage Nashville Music City Center.

Film: FULL HighDef Jon Hammond Funk Unit: Lee Oskar​ special guest harmonica, Chuggy Leslie J. Carter​ percussion, Louis Flip Winfield​ drums, Cord Martin​ tenor saxophone, Roland Barber​ trombone, Jon Hammond​ organ – Greg Herreman​ productions manager, Michael Apodaca & Alex Moore audio / Sound Image Nashville – The NAMM Show​ Summer NAMM Show​

Summer NAMM Show #SummerNAMMShow #NammShow

Performance Info
Thursday, July 13, 2017 – 3:00pm to 3:40pm
NAMM Terrace Stage (Parking Level)
Add to Calendar

Artist Info
Joe Berger Guitarist
Cord Martin Tenor Saxoponist
Roland Barber Trombonist
Louis ‘Flip’ Winfield Drummer
Leslie ‘Chuggy’ Carter Percussionist
Jon Hammond Organ
(possible) Lee Oskar Harmonica

Endorsed By:
Hammond Suzuki

Producer Jon Hammond
Language English

Jon’s archive

Roy Clark Television Interview with Jon Hammond just before Roy appeared on the American Eagle Awards in Nashville Tennessee during Summer NAMM Show – Roy Clark an American Living Legend and long-time member of The Grand Ole Opry and The Country Music Hall of Fame – Roy’s wiki

Roy Linwood Clark (born April 15, 1933) is an American country music musician and performer. He is best known for hosting Hee Haw, a nationally televised country variety show, from 1969 to 1992. Roy Clark has been an important and influential figure in country music, both as a performer and helping to popularize the genre.
During the 1970s, Clark frequently guest-hosted for Johnny Carson on The Tonight Show and enjoyed a 30-million viewership for Hee Haw. Clark is highly regarded and renowned as a guitarist and banjo player, and is also skilled on classical guitar and several other instruments. Although he has had hit songs as a pop vocalist (e.g., “Yesterday, When I Was Young” and “Thank God and Greyhound”), his instrumental skill has had an enormous effect on generations of bluegrass and country musicians. He has been a member of the Grand Ole Opry, since 1987[1][2] and The Country Music Hall of Fame. BIOGRAPHY: Born in Meherrin, Virginia, Clark lived as a teenager in southeast Washington, D.C., where his father worked at the Washington Navy Yard. At 14, Clark began playing banjo, guitar, and mandolin, and by age 15 he had already won two National Banjo Championships[3] and world banjo/guitar flatpick championships. He was simultaneously pursuing a sporting career, first as a baseball player and then as a boxer, before dedicating himself solely to music. At 17, he had his first appearance on the Grand Ole Opry.
At the age of 23, Clark obtained his pilot’s license and then bought a 1953 Piper Tri-Pacer (N1132C), which he flew for many years. This plane was raffled off on December 17, 2012, to benefit the charity Wings of Hope.[4] He has owned other planes, including a Mitsubishi MU-2, Stearman PT-17[5] and Mitsubishi MU-300 Diamond 1A bizjet.[6]
By 1955, he was a regular on Jimmy Dean’s Washington, D.C., television program. Dean, who valued punctuality among musicians in his band, the Texas Wildcats, fired Clark for habitual tardiness, telling him, “You’re the most talented person I’ve ever fired.” Clark married Barbara Joyce Rupard on August 31, 1957.[7] In 1960, Clark went out to Las Vegas, where he worked as a guitarist in a band led by former West Coast Western Swing bandleader-comedian Hank Penny. During the very early 1960s, he was also prominent in the backing band for Wanda Jackson—known as the Party Timers—during the latter part of her rockabilly period.[8]
When Dean was tapped to host The Tonight Show in the early 1960s, he asked Clark to appear, introducing him to a national audience for the first time. Subsequently, Clark appeared on The Beverly Hillbillies as a recurring character (actually two: he played businessman Roy Halsey and Roy’s mother, Myrtle). Once, on an episode of the Sunday evening Jackie Gleason Show dedicated to country music, Clark played a blistering rendition of “Down Home”. Later, he appeared on an episode of The Odd Couple wherein he played “Malagueña”.[9]
In 1963, Clark signed to Capitol Records and had three top ten hits. He switched to Dot Records and again scored hits. He later recorded for ABC Records, which had acquired Dot, and MCA Records, which absorbed the ABC label.
Clark as “Myrtle Halsey” on The Beverly Hillbillies, 1968.
In the mid ’60s, he co-hosted, along with Buck Owens, a weekday daytime country variety series for NBC entitled “Swingin’ Country”, which was cancelled after two seasons. In 1969, Clark and Buck Owens were the hosts of Hee Haw. The show was dropped by CBS Television in 1971 but continued to run in syndication for twenty-one more years. During its tenure, Clark was a member of the Million Dollar Band and participated in a host of comedy sketches. In 1983, Clark opened the Roy Clark Celebrity Theatre in Branson, Missouri, becoming the first country music star to have his own venue there, thus beginning a trend which led to Branson becoming a center of live music performance, as it is today. Many of the celebrities who play in Branson first performed at the Roy Clark Celebrity Theatre.
Clark frequently played in Branson during the 1980s and 1990s. He has since sold the venue (now owned by the Hughes Brothers and renamed the Hughes American Family Theatre) and gone back to a fairly light touring schedule, which usually includes a performance with Ramona Jones and the Jones Family Band at their annual tribute to Clark’s old Hee Haw co-star Grandpa Jones in Mountain View, Arkansas.[citation needed]
In addition to his musical skill, Clark has often displayed his talents as a comedian and actor. During his years on Hee Haw, Clark entertained with numerous comedy sketches, including a recurring feature where he played the clerk of the “Empty Arms Hotel”. Clark released several albums of his comedic performances, to varying critical acclaim and commercial success. Clark is one of the few surviving regular male cast members from the show.[citation needed]
Clark has endorsed Mosrite, Gretsch, and many other brands of guitars during his career. He currently endorses Heritage Guitars, which makes a Roy Clark model. On August 22, 1987, Clark was made a member of the Grand Ole Opry. He plays an annual benefit concert at Longwood University in Farmville, Virginia, the proceeds of which go to fund scholarships for aspiring musicians.[citation needed]
For many years Clark has made his home in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Roy Clark Elementary School in Tulsa’s Union School District was named in his honor in 1978. Fellow Oklahoma resident Mickey Mantle arranged for Clark to sing “Yesterday When I Was Young” at his funeral (which Clark did in 1995).[10]
On May 17, 2009, Clark was inducted into the Country Music Hall of Fame along with Barbara Mandrell and Charlie McCoy. On September 23, 2010, Clark sang “God Bless America” during the seventh-inning stretch at Dodger Stadium in a game featuring the Los Angeles Dodgers versus the San Diego Padres. On April 12, 2011, Clark was honored by the Oklahoma House of Representatives. He will be honored by the Oklahoma Music Hall of Fame as Oklahoma’s Music Ambassador for Children and will be presented with a commendation from Oklahoma Governor Mary Fallin.

Producer Jon Hammond
Language English

Roy Clark and Jon Hammond in Nashville Tennessee at the American Eagle Awards

American Eagle Awards, Roy with awardees Vince Gill & Emmylou Harris, Vince Gill – John Conlee from Grand Ole Opry

Roy Clark playing his famous Gibson Byrdland

Jon Hammond playing his famous Gibson Byrdland

Flip Wilson (December 8, 1933 – November 25, 1998) and Roy Clark

Jon Hammond and Roy Clark in the Green Room at American Eagle Awards

Hamamatsu-shi, Shizuoka, Japan — Suzuki Musical Instruments Team in Suzuki Hall after special performance with Koei Tanaka first time –

Jon Hammond

Kicking it off, Summer NAAMM Show, Terrace Stage, Jon Hammond, Funk, Soul, #HammondOrgan #NAMM #SummerNAMM #Nashville

Get Back In The Groove On Acoustic Nation Stage Nashville NAMM

June 3, 2017

#WATCHMOVIE HERE: Get Back In The Groove On Acoustic Nation Stage Nashville NAMM

Jon’s archive

Get Back In The Groove by Jon Hammond Funk Unit on the Acoustic Nation NAMM Stage in Concert – dig the natural reverb in cavernous high-celing lobby of Nashville Music City Center – Artist Info
Joe Berger: Guitar
Roland Barber: Trombone
Louis Flip Winfield: Percussion
Jon Hammond: Organ
Cord Martin : Tenor Saxophone
©JON HAMMOND International ASCAP
Jazz JON HAMMOND Instruments: Organ, Accordion, Piano, Guitar Attended: Berklee College of Music 1974, City College San Francisco Languages: English, German Jon is closely identified with the two main products of his career, the Excelsior Accordion and the Hammond Organ. Musician: Jon Hammond is one of the premier B3 PLAYERS in the world. Jon has played professionally since age 12. Beginning as a solo accordionist, he later played Hammond B3 organ in a number of important San Francisco bands. His all original group HADES opened shows for Tower of Power, Quicksilver Messenger Service and Michael Bloomfield. Eddie Money and Barry Finnerty became musical associates. Moving East he attended Berklee College of Music and played venues as diverse as Boston’s “Combat Zone” in the striptease clubs during the ’70’s and the exclusive Wychmere Harbor Club in Cape Cod, where he was house organist with the late great trumpet player Lou Colombo and developed a lasting friendship with House Speaker Tip O’Neill. He also toured the Northeast and Canada with the successful show revue “Easy Living”, and continued his appearances at nightclubs in Boston and New York. Subsequently Hammond lived and traveled in Europe, where he has an enthusiastic following. TV/Video Producer: In 1981 Jon formed BackBeat Productions. Assisted by Lori Friedman (Video by LORI), the innovative TV show “The Jon Hammond Show” became a Manhattan Cable TV favorite. Jon’s “Live on the street” video style included news events, as well as live music/video clips of Dizzy Gillespie, Paul Butterfield, Jaco Pastorius, John Entwistle, Sammy Davis Jr., Percy Sledge and many others. The weekly show is now in it’s 32ns year and has influenced the broadcasts of David Letterman and others. Billboard Magazine hailed Jon’s show as “The Alternative to MTV”
#Soul #HammondOrgan #NAMM #Nashville #SummerNAMMShow

Producer Jon Hammond
Audio/Visual sound, color
Language English

Soul Music, Nashville, NAMM, Hammond Organ, Funk, Jon Hammond, Organ, Groove, #Soul #HammondOrgan #Namm

Lydia’s Tune Jon Hammond’s 19th Year Musikmesse Session

June 3, 2017

#WATCHMOVIE HERE: Lydias Tune Jon Hammond’s 19th Year Musikmesse Session

Jon’s archive


“Lydia’s Tune” from 1st Jon Hammond​ album (Late Rent) written in Paris 1981 after flying aboard the Concorde​ jet – JFK to CDG in 3 hrs. 26 minutes supersonic

Jon Hammond Band – Joe, Peter, Giovanni, Jon

– performed here at Jon Hammond’s 19th annual musikmesse​ Session in Jazzkeller Hofheim​ with the tenor saxophonist Peter Klohmann​, Giovanni Totò Gulino​ drums, Joe Berger​ guitar, Jon Hammond at the Sk1 Hammond organ ©JON HAMMOND International ASCAP

Producer Jon Hammond

Facebook video

Bossa Nova, Jazzkeller Hofheim, Jon Hammond, Band, Hofheim am Taunus, Lydia’s Tune, Hammond Organ, Saxophone, Drums, Guitar, Concorde Jet, #HammondOrgan #Jazzkeller #Party #musikmesse

No XCess Baggage BLUES Jon Hammond Band Jazzkeller Frankfurt

May 30, 2017

#WATCHMOVIE HERE: No XCess Baggage BLUES Jon Hammond Band Jazzkeller Frankfurt

Jon’s archive

I wrote this one for my friends at PIA because they let him take a lot of baggage over many times in the old days on Pakistan International Airlines​ – Joe Berger​ gets down on his custom JJ Guitars​ JB model here, Tony Lakatos Pmauriat Albest​ tenor saxophone, Giovanni Totò Gulino​ drums, Jon Hammond at the Hammond SK-1 organ + bass ©JH INTL ASCAP – Jon Hammond’s annual musikmesse​ Warm Up Party 27th year in Jazzkeller​ – as seen in Journal Frankfurt​ article

Jon Hammond Band No Xcess Baggage BLUES jazzkeller Frankfurt

No XCess Baggage BLUES

Tony Lakatos 20 years before on Jon Hammond Band at Jazzkeller Hofheim

Jon Hammond getting a look from Tony!

Jon Hammond zum 27. Mal auf der Musikmesse
Nomen est omen. Der Mann heißt Hammond und spielt eine Hammond. Der Organist aus New York freut sich auf Frankfurt und lädt zur Musikmesse Warm Up Party am 9.4. in den Jazzkeller ein.
JOURNAL FRANKFURT: Was war für Sie zuerst da – die Frankfurter Musikmesse oder Auftritte im Jazzkeller?
Jon Hammond: Die Musikmesse. Ich kam 1987 zum ersten Mal nach Frankfurt, zusammen mit Joe Berger, der auf der Messe für Engl Amplifiers spielte. Wir flogen mit der Lufthansa ein und teilten uns ein Zimmer im berühmten Prinz Otto Hotel am Hauptbahnhof. Schon in der ersten Nacht stellte mir Joe den großen John Entwistle, den Bassisten von The Who vor. Es wurde eine lange Nacht, in der wir Cognac tranken und Erdnüsse knabberten in eiern Suite des Marriott Hotels. Ich habe Joe bei einer Session mit John und Ringo Starrs Sohn Zak Starkey im Dorian Grey Club gefilmt bei einer Soundcheck Party. In den ersten paar Jahren spielte ich nicht oft live weil ich noch keine transportierbare Hammond Orgel hatte vor 1991 als ich den Prototyp einer XB-2 Hammond Orgel bekam mit der ich dann um die Welt reiste. Hauptsächliche dokumenierte ich aber die Messe für meine Cable TV Show in New York, die inzwischen im 29. Jahr als The Jon Hammond Show — Music, Travel and Soft News präsentiert. Die harten Nachrichten überlasse ich CNN und den großen Networks (lacht). Vom ersten Jahr an fühlten wir uns der Musikmesse eng verbunden, haben seitdem eine tolle Zeit hier, kommen jedes Jahr wieder bis wir kleine, alte Männer sind.

Das Jazzkeller-Konzert am Vorabend der Musikmesse ist zu einer netten Tradition geworden – wie kam es dazu, was bedeutet es Ihnen und wir werden Sie dieses Jahr diesen Abend im Jazzkeller zelebrieren?
Ab 1991 lernte ich mehr und mehr Musikmesse-Menschen kennen und die mich und auch einiges von meiner Musik. Einige von ihnen ermunterten mich, doch auch für Auftritte nach Deutschland zu kommen weil es hier doch ein Interesse an Hammond-Orgel-Groove-Music gab. Mit der schon erwähnten, kleinen, kompakten aber sehr kraftvollen Orgel war das alles möglich. Zudem machte ich in New York gerade eine schwere Zeit durch, mein Vater war gestorben und ich hatte das Gefühl, einige Veränderungen könnten meinem Leben gut tun. Also kam ich nach Frankfurt mit meiner XB-2, allerdings mit einem Rückflugticket falls etwas schief gehen würde. Ich rief viele Musiker an, ließ sie wissen, ich bin jetzt da, lasst uns zusammen spielen. Das war für mich der Anfang einer langen, sehr speziellen Beziehung, vor allem zum Frankfurter Publikum nach ersten kleinen erfolgen im Jazzkeller und einer kurzen Auftritt im Hessen Report im Fernsehen. Beatrix Rief verdanke ich dieses “lucky light on me”, eine tolle Erfahrung. Seitdem nenne ich Frankfurt “My Good Luck City” und im Jazzkeller begann auch alles für mich als Musiker. Deshalb liegt mir der Club auch so nah am Herzen, deshalb hatte ich auch die Idee, meine “Musikmesse Warm Up Party” dort zu realisieren, immer in der Nacht bevor die Messe startet was zu einer schönen Tradition wurde. Im ersten Jahr, in dem ich dann auch ein wenig Sponsoring von Philip Morris bekam, konnte ich damit einige Flugtickets für befreundete Musik bezahlen. Darüber war ich sehr glücklich. Dabei rauche ich selbst gar nicht.

Wie würden Sie Ihr persönliches Verhältnis zu Deutschland und Frankfurt beschrieben?
Lassen Sie es mich so sagen: ich liebe Frankfurt und die Frankfurter waren immer gut zu mir in all den Jahren. Ich könnte ein ganzes Buch über die Zeit schreiben, in der ich in Bornheim wohnte und Nacht für Nacht in der alten Jazzkneipe in der Berliner Straße auftrat. Das war der Treffpunkt, wo auch die Musiker der HR Bigband hinkamen und es gab eine generöse Chefin in der kleinen Kneipe. Auch Regine Dobberschütz und Eugen Hahn im Jazzkeller waren wahre Jazzengel für mich, die mir so vieles ermöglichten in der Zeit. Wir konnten auch in den Studios von AFN Radio spielen, waren die einzigen Musiker, die das – mit einer Sondergenehmigung des US Militärs – durften. Für ein wenig Promotion für die Musikmesse. Wir nannten das Programm für die AFN “Profile TV “-Show “Sound Police”. Wir hatten viel Spaß. Kein Wunder also, dass ich Frankfurt als my home away from home begreife und ich mich jedes Mal wieder freue zur Musikmesse zu reisen, in diesem Jahr übrigens zum 27. Mal in Folge. Und ich bin diesmal besonders aufgeregt, heim nach Frankfurt zu kommen weil ich gerade 60 Jahre alt geworden bin.

Wer wird in diesem Jahr zum Gelingen des Konzertes mit teils komponierter, teils improvisierter Musik, so nehme ich an, beitragen und was für einen Sound wird die Band präsentieren?
Ich habe etwa 90% der Kompositionen geschrieben, die wir spielen werden. Es ist die Musik, die man auch in meiner New Yorker TV-Show hören kann und die mich mehrmals um die Welt getragen hat. Meinen Stil nenne ich “Swinging Funky Jazz and Blues” und featurert die ganz wunderbaren Solisten in meine Band: Tony Lakatos, den großen ungarischen Tenorsaxophonisten, der auch Mitglied in der hr Bigband ist, dann meinen alten Freund Giovanni Gulino, diesen tollen Schlagzeuger, der schon für fast alle Großen der Szene getrommelt hat. Ich liebe diese Jungs. Als Gitarrist ist mein alten Freund und Kollege Joe Berger dabei, den man auch als The Berger-Meister kennt. Auf diese Formation bin ich wirklich stolz.

Werden Sie im Jazzkeller wieder eine Hammond Orgel spielen?
Ja, sicher, das neueste Modell, eine Sk1, die exakt so klingt wie die legendäre B3. Ich liebe sie. Und sie wiegt nur noch sieben Kilo (Anm. des Autors: Das Original, ein echtes Möbel mit viel Holz, mussten immer zwei Menschen mit viel Muskelkraft die Treppen rauf und runter hieven), ein deutliches Indiz, dass wir in der Zukunft angekommen sind. Da stecken viele Jahre Forschung und Entwicklung drin, auch Bühnenerprobungen. Ich ziehe den Hut vor den Ingenieuren von Suzuki, ein unverwüstliches Instrument erschaffen zu haben. Und das unterziehe ich jetzt einen echten Härttest (lacht).
by Detlef Kinsler – Journal Frankfurt

Producer Jon Hammond
Language English

Jon’s archive

Jazz Funk Tribute to Cannonball Adderley and Lutz Büchner​ NDR Horns Jon Hammond Band​ – Auster Jazz Series concert Hamburg Eimsbüttel

Funky Heinz Lichius​ drums, Michael Leuschner​ trumpet, Lutz Büchner tenor, Ernst-Friedrich Fiete Felsch​ alto, Joe Berger​ guitar, Jon Hammond​ organ bass – special thanks Nicolai Ditsch for operating the camera, this concert was filmed in High Definition – Frank Blume, Torsten Wendt – Knut Benzner NDR Redaktion – Musik Rotthoff​ support – in Auster Bar Eimsbüttel Hamburg Germany

Jon Hammond Kicks Off 3PM Summer NAMM Show Terrace Stage Show Nashville Thursday July 13

Jon Hammond Funk Unit

Tony Lakatos lit up – Jon Hammond with Tulan master baker from Saray Pastanesi best bakery in Frankfurt makes Jon Hammond’s Birthday

No xcess, Blues music, Jazz, Hammond Organ, jazzkeller, Frankfurt, baggage, Journal Frankfurt, Detlef Kinsler, Jon Hammond, Pmauriat saxophones, Joe Berger, #Baggage #HammondOrgan #Pmauriat

Beacons In Jazz Award Concert Cab Calloway Bill Cosby Historic Movie New School NYC May 7 1990

May 27, 2017

#WATCHMOVIE HERE: Beacons In Jazz Award Concert Cab Calloway Bill Cosby Historic Movie New School NYC May 7 1990

Jon’s archive

by Jon Hammond

Historic evening hosted by Bill Cosby, honoring Cab Calloway with legendary musicians and graduating musicians from New School for Jazz and Contemporary Music – filmed by Jon Hammond at the request of Arnie Lawrence – this documentary is for historical purposes Commercial Use Strictly Prohibited – from the New School Archives:
*Note: Revisions to metadata notes will follow soon – Jon Hammond:
– 4th Beacons in Jazz Awards Ceremony & Concert May 7, 1990 in the little theatre on 13th St., Mayor David N. Dinkins proclaimed May 7th as Cab Calloway Day in New York – and Cab was presented The Beacons in Jazz Award by jazz historian Phil Schaap – an incredible evening with concert including Jazz Survivors Band with Panama Francis, Milt Hinton, Eddie Barefield and more legends – then a large ensemble powered by the rhythm section of Bernard Purdie with Reggie Workman bass – horn section including the late great Arnie Lawrence, also Eddie Bert, Donald Byrd – many of these cats have passed on sadly, special appearance by Little Jimmy Heath conducting and playing soprano saxophone. Julian Junior Mance at the piano with Billy Harper on tenor sax – graduating saxophonist Walter Blanding Jr. played his old saxophone held together by rubber bands for the last time that night, as Cab Calloway personally presented him with a new Yamaha tenor saxophone which he immediately played “You’ve Changed” joined by the all-star band and Little Jimmy Scott vocals – Bill Cosby hosted the entire night and participated in the music with gusto – incredible historic evening that I personally documented – the project is now back in-progress 27 years later, Jon Hammond — with Bernard Purdie and Bernard Purdie at The New School for Jazz and Contemporary Music
*Note from Jon Hammond: Bud DiFluri from Yamaha presented the special Yamaha tenor saxophone to Walter Blanding Jr. – which was inscribed from Cab Calloway, but actually bought and paid for by Bill Cosby. Walter eventually sold the saxophone. Anyone who knows where the instrument is or has it please contact either Jon Hammond or Bud DiFluri – Mr. DiFluri is now Professor of Marketing teaching at Nyack College.

Appears in my movieJon Hammond:

Cab Calloway

possibly Chuck Schumer to the right of the women – Jon Hammond

Bobby Johnson trumpet legend takes the stage – Jon Hammond

Ira Gitler American Jazz Journalist, Elaine Ellman documentary photographer looking on – Jon Hammond

woman reading program, Bobby Johnson Arnie Lawrence, drummer Bernard Purdie in tuxedo – Jon Hammond

MC’s Bill Cosby, Phil Schaap, Bobby Johnson trumpet and Earle Warren Count Basie Orchestra alum alto saxophone – Jon Hammond

Bill Cosby, Red Richards, Milt Hinton, Eddie Barefield, Bobby Johnson & Earle Warren checking out Cosby – Jon Hammond

Bobby Johnson trumpet had the big cheeks before Dizzy Gillespie! Earle Warren alto with Milt Hinton The Judge on bass, David Panama Francis drums, delightful little girl enjoying the show! – Jon Hammond

Milt Hinton “The Judge” playing Reggie Workman’s acoustic bass as Bill Cosby looks on – Bobby Johnson trumpet and Earle Warrent alto – Jon Hammond

Drummer David Panama Francis – Jon Hammond

Red Richards / Charles Coleridge “Red” Richards piano and James Victor “Jimmy” Scott (July 17, 1925 – June 12, 2014) takes the stage still wearing glasses – Jon Hammond

Milt Hinton bass, Little Jimmy Scott, Bill Cosby – Jon Hammond

Ahmet Ertegun / ɑːmɛt ˈɛərtəɡən in the audience

Bernard Purdie drums, Walter Blanding jr. tenor saxophone, Dr. Donald Byrd trumpet / Donaldson Toussaint L’Ouverture “Donald” Byrd II (December 9, 1932 – February 4, 2013) – Jon Hammond

Arnie Lawrence soloing on alto sax as Dr Donald Byrd looks on – Jon Hammond

Billy Harper tenor, Arnie Lawrence alto, Rebecca Coupe Franks trumpet, Trombonist ?

Bernard Purdie drums, Billy Harper tenor, Roy Hargrove trumpet – Jon Hammond

Eddie Bert trombone, Cecil Bridgewater trumpets – Roy Hargrove, Rebecca Coupe Franks – Jon Hammond

Clark Terry trumpet – Jon Hammond

Clark Terry flugelhorn, Baritone saxophonist? Reggie Workman bass with Bill Cosby, Cab Calloway with Beacons in Jazz Award pendant – Jon Hammond

Cab Colloway man of the evening! Beacons in Jazz awardee – Jon Hammond

Cab Calloway has Bud DiFluri from Yamaha come out with the famous inscribed tenor for Walter Blanding Jr (bought and paid for by Bill Cosby by the way) – Jon Hammond

*Note from Jon Hammond: David C. Levy from New School originally gave me a hard time about making this film folks!

Bud DiFluri takes the mic and speaks about Walter Blanding Jr. at presentation before Walter plays the gifted tenor and Little Jimmy Scott joins in on “You’ve Changed” – Jon Hammond

Little Jimmy Heath “James Edward Heath (born October 25, 1926),[1] nicknamed Little Bird” joins band – Arnie Lawrence alto with Britt Woodman trombone (June 4, 1920 in Los Angeles – October 13, 2000 in Hawthorne, California) was a jazz trombonist. He is best known for his work with Duke Ellington and Charles Mingus – Jon Hammond

Reggie Workman bass, Bernard Purdie drums, Junior Mance / Julian Clifford Mance, Jr. (known as Junior Mance, born October 10, 1928) piano, Rebecca Coupe Franks trumpet – Jon Hammond

Junior Mance (with porkchop sideburns at the time) looking at the music on the piano, Arnie Lawrence alto saxophone, Bobby Johnson trumpet with Bill Cosby – Jon Hammond

Additional notes from Jon Hammond:
VIP Dinner Reception May 7, 1990 for Cab Calloway at Garvin’s Restaurant in Greenwich Village Soho, L to R: Bill Cosby, Cab Calloway seated, Little Jimmy Scott, Joe Williams the famous singer who shot to fame with the Count Basie Orchestra
– this was just before joining a host of legendary musicians and the first graduating class of The New School for Jazz and Contemporary Music in the little theatre on 13th St., Mayor David N. Dinkins proclaimed May 7th as Cab Calloway Day in New York – and Cab was presented The Beacons in Jazz Award by jazz historian Phil Schaap – an incredible evening with concert including Jazz Survivors Band with Panama Francis, Milt Hinton, Eddie Barefield and more legends – then a large ensemble powered by the rhythm section of Bernard Purdie with Reggie Workman bass – horn section including the late great Arnie Lawrence, also Eddie Bert, Donald Byrd – many of these cats have passed on sadly, special appearance by Little Jimmy Heath conducting and playing soprano saxophone. Julian Junior Mance at the piano with Billy Harper on tenor sax – graduating saxophonist Walter Blanding Jr. played his old saxophone held together by rubber bands for the last time that night, as Cab Calloway personally presented him with a new Yamaha tenor saxophone which he immediately played “You’ve Changed” joined by the all-star band and Little Jimmy Scott vocals – Bill Cosby hosted the entire night and participated in the music with gusto – incredible historic evening that I personally documented – the project is now back in-progress 27 years later, Jon Hammond — with Bill Cosby, Cab Calloway, Little Jimmy Scott and Joe Williams
©JON HAMMOND International – Special thanks Martin W. Mueller
Long-time Executive Director New School for Jazz and Contemporary Music – filmed originally for Jon Hammond Show on MCTV / MNN TV Channel 1 – 34th year, still on late Friday nights / early Sat. 1:30AM
Enjoy this film folks! – Jon Hammond – further info:

Producer Jon Hammond
Audio/Visual sound, color
Language English

Cab Calloway, David N. Dinkins, Bill Cosby, Beacons in Jazz, Eddie Barefield, Milt Hinton, Jon Hammond, Panama Francis, Little Jimmy Scott, New School, Jazz and Contemporary Music, #Jazz #Cosby

Yachklub Life!

May 22, 2017

#WATCHMOVIE HERE: Yachklub Life!

Jon’s archive


Yachtklub Life!
Frankfurt, Germany​ — Hans Romanov​ Presents
Live Music
Public · Hosted by Jon Hammond Band​
Thursday, April 6 at 7 PM – 10 PM UTC+02
about 1 month ago
Deutschherrnufer/Alte Brücke, 60594 Frankfurt, Germany
as Night Falls over Main River
Jon Hammond Band returns Donnerstag 6.4.17
empathy, love, reality, true, bravery, dignity, freedom, fidelity
Jon Hammond​ & Band
Giovanni Totò Gulino​ d.
Peter Klohmann​ t.s.
Joe Berger​ g.
Jon Hammond o.+b.
#Yachtklub #Jazzy #Funky #HammondOrgan #Drums #Guitar #Saxophone #FrankfurtamMain
Jon Hammond’s original compositions: “Pocket Funk” and “Lydia’s Tune”
#WATCHMOVIE HERE: Yachtklub Payphone Johnny In The All Wood Room Jon’s archive
©JON HAMMOND International ASCAP
Youtube Yachtklub, Frankfurt, Hans Romanov, All wood room, Payphone, Funky Jazzy, Hammond Organ, Tenor Saxophone, Drums, guitar, Original Composition Yachtklub Frankfurt “Payphone Johnny” original composition by Jon Hammond – warming up the very special all wood room in Hans Romanov’s Yachtklub on the Main River with special Frankfurter friends, Jon Hammond Band session for Hans Romanov and company

L to R Joe Berger, Hans Romanov, Jon Hammond

Live Jazzy Funky

Published May 22, 2017
Usage Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 by Jon Hammond

#Yachtklub #MainRiver #Frankfurt #HammondOrgan, All wood room, Drums, Frankfurt, Funky Jazzy, Guitar, Hammond Organ, Hans Romanov, Original Composition, Payphone, Tenor Saxophone, Yachtklub

Web Friendly Jon Hammond Band Cookin At Jazzkeller

May 21, 2017

#WATCHMOVIE HERE: Web Friendly Jon Hammond Band Cookin At Jazzkeller

Jon’s archive



Jon Hammond Band Cookin at jazzkeller in celebration of 31st year musikmesse Warm Up Party, always on the Tuesday night before musikmesse begins in the world famous jazzkeller Frankfurt

– Joe Berger guitar, Peter Klohmann tenor saxophone, Giovanni Totò Gulino drums, Jon Hammond organ + bass *Note: Jon Hammond’s equipment: Hammond Sk1 organ powered by Markbass bass amplifier

Producer Jon Hammond
Language English

Taqueria el Grullo Oakland is The Best!
Jon Hammond — 2630 Foothill Blvd., Oakland, California 94601

Jon’s archive


Head Phone – Jon Hammond Band THE SOUND SOUL SUMMIT All-Star Jam Video Movie

Bernard Purdie on Jon Hammond Band “Head Phone”

Koei Tanaka (harmonica) on Jon Hammond Band “Head Phone”

Bernie Capicchiano, Shuji Suzuki, Shigeyuki Ohtaka, Jon Hammond, Jon Lord – Hammond Suzuki

Pre Summit Hammond Party – last public appearance of Keith Emerson sadly – pictured here with Hammond endorsees

Keith Emerson playing just after Jon Hammond on Sound Soul Summit NAMM Showcase

Bernard Purdie on Jon Hammond Band “Head Phone” does a little dance after feature funk solo

Jon Hammond and Dr. Lonnie Smith at Hammond Sound Soul Summit

Joe Lamond President CEO NAMM awards Shuji Suzuki, Stephen Fortner and Gregg Gronowski – photo Jon Hammond

Jon’s archive



Frankfurt Germany — Center Stage musikmesse Lee Oskar Feature on Jon Hammond
Allstars Band “Lydia’s Tune” written by Jon Hammond in Paris – Peter
Klohmann tenor, Giovanni Totò Gulino drums, Joe Berger gitarre, Jon
Hammond Sk1 organ + bass with photos by Andreas Meer at end ©JON HAMMOND

Producer Jon Hammond
Language English

Jon’s archive


Center Stage WHITE ONIONS Jon Hammond Allstar Band with special guest Lee Oskar – musikmesse​ 2017 Frankfurt Germany
Musicians: Peter Klohmann​ tenor saxophone, Giovanni Totò Gulino​ drums, Joe Berger​ guitar, Lee Oskar​ harmonica, Jon Hammond​ organ

Special Events Announcer Eleftherios Mavros​ aka Mavros Freitag​ – Photos by Vollmond Konzertfotografie special thanks Dita Vollmond​, Wolfgang Lücke​ Messe Frankfurt​ – Photos LINK:

Published April 24, 2017
Usage Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0
Producer Jon Hammond
Language English


Photo credit: Vollmond Konzertfotografie / Dita Vollmond – special thanks / Dankeschön!

Web Friendly, Cookin, jazzkeller, musikmesse, Frankfurt, Jazz, Blues, Nashville, NAMM, #HammondOrgan #CableTV #Mobile