Archive for October, 2016

NAMM Show Carvin Pro Audio Sessions with Jon Hammond Joe Berger Chuggy Carter

October 22, 2016

#WATCHMOVIE HERE: NAMM Show Carvin Pro Audio Sessions with Jon Hammond Joe Berger Chuggy Carter

Jon’s archive


The Carvin Pro Audio Sessions Winter NAMM Show with Jon Hammond at the organ “White Onions” Joe Berger playing custom “Wildman” JJ Guitar with one Bill Lawrence pickup Gold hardware, Chuggy Carter / Leslie J. Carter percussion – special thanks Carson Kiesel and Carvin Pro Audio Team Hercules Folding Stands, JJ Guitars ©JON HAMMOND International ASCAP — with Joe Berger and 8 others at The NAMM Show.

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Producer Jon Hammond
Language English

Jon’s archive




Usage Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs
Topics NAMM Oral History, Musikmesse, Mini-B, NAMM, G37, G27, Leslie Speaker, Onions, Jazz, Blues, Musicians Union, Local 802, ASCAP, KYOU Radio, Anaheim, Frankfurt, B3 Organ, XB-2, Leslie Speaker

Jon Hammond | Oral History Interview Date: January 13, 2011 library/ oral-history/ jon-hammond

Jon Hammond
Interview Date: January 13, 2011
Job Title: President and Founder
Company: Jon Hammond & Associates
accordions electric organs Hammond B-3 Hammond Organs Jazz Music Manufacturing Musicians

Jon Hammond

Jon Hammond has successfully created a career based on his musical talents and his passion for the music industry! As a musician Jon has performed with many legendary players and as a clinician and product artist he has introduced many innovative products to music stores and their customers over the last 30 plus years. Jon is closely identified with the two main products of his career, the Excelsior Accordion and the Digital B3 Organ.

Subject Info Jon Hammond Interview Date: January 13, 2011 Job Title: President and Founder Jon Hammond & Associates Jon Hammond has successfully created a … of his career, the Excelsior Accordion and the Digital B3Organ. (accordions, electric organs, Hammond B-3, Hammond Organs)

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Producer Jon Hammond

Alex Hsieh NAMM Oral History

Alex Hsieh is the CEO of P.Mauriat Paris, a brass instrument maker in Taiwan that specializes in saxophones, trumpets and accessories. Their saxophone line of instruments are inspired by the late French orchestra leader Paul Mauriat (1925-2006) who was known in America for a series of pop recordings. Alex created the environment to ensure quality instruments were developed that could produce the sounds and tones used in Mr. Mauriat’s recordings. The results of these efforts have been a well-regarded product line and innovative models such as the PMST Saxophone and the Professional Bb Trumpet.

Interview Date:
January 24, 2014
Job Title:
P.Mauriat Paris
Taiwanese Music Industry
Music Manufacturing
Music Accessories
Brass Instruments
Band and Orchestra

Jon’s archive


Joe Berger NAMM Oral History Interview Unedited Long Version Official 55 minutes 4 seconds
by Jon Hammond

Usage Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0
Topics concert production, electric guitars, namm show, frankfurt musikmesse, joe berger, oral history, john entwistle, concert tours

Joe Berger
Interview Date: January 20, 2012
Job Title: Musician, Product Endorser – short version here also
Joe Berger knows sound! Joe has been mixing sound for over 30 years and he stopped counting at 35,000 bands! Also a virtuoso guitar player with his own definitive, unique playing style and “ear”, Joe has jammed with the likes of John Entwistle and Jack Bruce. He has also been a fixture at music trade shows for decades as a guitar demonstrator, having set a record for most hours played at a single trade show.
Tony Arambarri, Dan Del Fiorentino – NAMM Historians
concert production
electric guitars
Jon Hammond
mixing consoles
Musik Messe Frankfurt
New York City NY
product endorsers

Run time 55 minutes 4 seconds
Audio/Visual sound

Jon’s archive

Alpha Jon Hammond

Add to Calendar: Tuesday April 5, 2016 in the famous jazzkeller Frankfurt – Jon Hammond Band performs at 9PM

Celebrating 30 Years, As Seen On Cable TV 32 Years Jon Hammond Show MNN TV Channel 1 and Streaming Worldwide

29th Year! Jon Hammond’s musikmesse Warm Up Party jazzkeller – Big Special Thanks to my good friend Saray Pastanesi for absolute Masterpiece Birthday & 29th musikmesse Chocolate Chocolate cake!! It was delicious, every morsel was consumed and enjoyed!

Journal Frankfurt


Jon Hammond zum 27. Mal auf der Musikmesse
Nomen est omen. Der Mann heißt Hammond und spielt eine Hammond. Der Organist aus New York freut sich auf Frankfurt und lädt zur Musikmesse Warm Up Party am 9.4. in den Jazzkeller ein.

JOURNAL FRANKFURT: Was war für Sie zuerst da – die Frankfurter Musikmesse oder Auftritte im Jazzkeller?
Jon Hammond: Die Musikmesse. Ich kam 1987 zum ersten Mal nach Frankfurt, zusammen mit Joe Berger, der auf der Messe für Engl Amplifiers spielte. Wir flogen mit der Lufthansa ein und teilten uns ein Zimmer im berühmten Prinz Otto Hotel am Hauptbahnhof. Schon in der ersten Nacht stellte mir Joe den großen John Entwistle, den Bassisten von The Who vor. Es wurde eine lange Nacht, in der wir Cognac tranken und Erdnüsse knabberten in eiern Suite des Marriott Hotels. Ich habe Joe bei einer Session mit John und Ringo Starrs Sohn Zak Starkey im Dorian Grey Club gefilmt bei einer Soundcheck Party. In den ersten paar Jahren spielte ich nicht oft live weil ich noch keine transportierbare Hammond Orgel hatte vor 1991 als ich den Prototyp einer XB-2 Hammond Orgel bekam mit der ich dann um die Welt reiste. Hauptsächliche dokumenierte ich aber die Messe für meine Cable TV Show in New York, die inzwischen im 29. Jahr als The Jon Hammond Show — Music, Travel and Soft News präsentiert. Die harten Nachrichten überlasse ich CNN und den großen Networks (lacht). Vom ersten Jahr an fühlten wir uns der Musikmesse eng verbunden, haben seitdem eine tolle Zeit hier, kommen jedes Jahr wieder bis wir kleine, alte Männer sind.

Das Jazzkeller-Konzert am Vorabend der Musikmesse ist zu einer netten Tradition geworden – wie kam es dazu, was bedeutet es Ihnen und wir werden Sie dieses Jahr diesen Abend im Jazzkeller zelebrieren?
Ab 1991 lernte ich mehr und mehr Musikmesse-Menschen kennen und die mich und auch einiges von meiner Musik. Einige von ihnen ermunterten mich, doch auch für Auftritte nach Deutschland zu kommen weil es hier doch ein Interesse an Hammond-Orgel-Groove-Music gab. Mit der schon erwähnten, kleinen, kompakten aber sehr kraftvollen Orgel war das alles möglich. Zudem machte ich in New York gerade eine schwere Zeit durch, mein Vater war gestorben und ich hatte das Gefühl, einige Veränderungen könnten meinem Leben gut tun. Also kam ich nach Frankfurt mit meiner XB-2, allerdings mit einem Rückflugticket falls etwas schief gehen würde. Ich rief viele Musiker an, ließ sie wissen, ich bin jetzt da, lasst uns zusammen spielen. Das war für mich der Anfang einer langen, sehr speziellen Beziehung, vor allem zum Frankfurter Publikum nach ersten kleinen erfolgen im Jazzkeller und einer kurzen Auftritt im Hessen Report im Fernsehen. Beatrix Rief verdanke ich dieses “lucky light on me”, eine tolle Erfahrung. Seitdem nenne ich Frankfurt “My Good Luck City” und im Jazzkeller begann auch alles für mich als Musiker. Deshalb liegt mir der Club auch so nah am Herzen, deshalb hatte ich auch die Idee, meine “Musikmesse Warm Up Party” dort zu realisieren, immer in der Nacht bevor die Messe startet was zu einer schönen Tradition wurde. Im ersten Jahr, in dem ich dann auch ein wenig Sponsoring von Philip Morris bekam, konnte ich damit einige Flugtickets für befreundete Musik bezahlen. Darüber war ich sehr glücklich. Dabei rauche ich selbst gar nicht.

Wie würden Sie Ihr persönliches Verhältnis zu Deutschland und Frankfurt beschrieben?
Lassen Sie es mich so sagen: ich liebe Frankfurt und die Frankfurter waren immer gut zu mir in all den Jahren. Ich könnte ein ganzes Buch über die Zeit schreiben, in der ich in Bornheim wohnte und Nacht für Nacht in der alten Jazzkneipe in der Berliner Straße auftrat. Das war der Treffpunkt, wo auch die Musiker der HR Bigband hinkamen und es gab eine generöse Chefin in der kleinen Kneipe. Auch Regine Dobberschütz und Eugen Hahn im Jazzkeller waren wahre Jazzengel für mich, die mir so vieles ermöglichten in der Zeit. Wir konnten auch in den Studios von AFN Radio spielen, waren die einzigen Musiker, die das – mit einer Sondergenehmigung des US Militärs – durften. Für ein wenig Promotion für die Musikmesse. Wir nannten das Programm für die AFN “Profile TV “-Show “Sound Police”. Wir hatten viel Spaß. Kein Wunder also, dass ich Frankfurt als my home away from home begreife und ich mich jedes Mal wieder freue zur Musikmesse zu reisen, in diesem Jahr übrigens zum 27. Mal in Folge. Und ich bin diesmal besonders aufgeregt, heim nach Frankfurt zu kommen weil ich gerade 60 Jahre alt geworden bin.

Wer wird in diesem Jahr zum Gelingen des Konzertes mit teils komponierter, teils improvisierter Musik, so nehme ich an, beitragen und was für einen Sound wird die Band präsentieren?
Ich habe etwa 90% der Kompositionen geschrieben, die wir spielen werden. Es ist die Musik, die man auch in meiner New Yorker TV-Show hören kann und die mich mehrmals um die Welt getragen hat. Meinen Stil nenne ich “Swinging Funky Jazz and Blues” und featurert die ganz wunderbaren Solisten in meine Band: Tony Lakatos, den großen ungarischen Tenorsaxophonisten, der auch Mitglied in der hr Bigband ist, dann meinen alten Freund Giovanni Gulino, diesen tollen Schlagzeuger, der schon für fast alle Großen der Szene getrommelt hat. Ich liebe diese Jungs. Als Gitarrist ist mein alten Freund und Kollege Joe Berger dabei, den man auch als The Berger-Meister kennt. Auf diese Formation bin ich wirklich stolz.

Werden Sie im Jazzkeller wieder eine Hammond Orgel spielen?
Ja, sicher, das neueste Modell, eine Sk1, die exakt so klingt wie die legendäre B3. Ich liebe sie. Und sie wiegt nur noch sieben Kilo (Anm. des Autors: Das Original, ein echtes Möbel mit viel Holz, mussten immer zwei Menschen mit viel Muskelkraft die Treppen rauf und runter hieven), ein deutliches Indiz, dass wir in der Zukunft angekommen sind. Da stecken viele Jahre Forschung und Entwicklung drin, auch Bühnenerprobungen. Ich ziehe den Hut vor den Ingenieuren von Suzuki, ein unverwüstliches Instrument erschaffen zu haben. Und das unterziehe ich jetzt einen echten Härttest (lacht).

Interview: Detlef Kinsler

Jon’s archive

Some Serious Bad Hombres!:

Roland Barber – trombone, trumpet, sea shell
Cord Martin​ – tenor saxophone
Chuggy Carter​ – percussion
Louis Flip Winfield​ – drums
Lee Oskar​ – harmonica
Joe Berger​ – guitar
Jon Hammond​ – organ + bass

2PM EST Jon Hammond Funk Unit kicking it off on the Nissan Stage at Summer NAMM Show Nashville Music City Center​

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#NAMMShow #SummerNAMM #NissanStage







#badhombre vs #badhombres #Unbeleivable

Bad Hombre Joe Berger!

*photo courtesy CNN

Jon Hammond Funk Unit on Nissan Stage Nashville Music City Center Summer NAMM Show showcase:

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Producer Jon Hammond
Language English

WALL OF LESLIE SPEAKER SOUND 2215 HIGH POWER 3300 WOOD VERSION 3300w Keyboard Products Super Leslie Jon Hammond

3 x LS-2215 Leslie’s with Hammond Sk1 Organ – Jon Hammond:

Leslie LS-2215 Info

Mono Solid State 200W RMS/300W Peak
Preamp Stereo mini mixer
Inputs 2x 1/4″ TR keyboard inputs, auto sensing between passive/active
2x 1/4″ TR instrument inputs, auto sensing between passive/active
2x 1/4″ TR auxiliary inputs
2x 1/4″ TRS effects return inputs
1x 1/4″ TRS effects return / power amp input
1x XLR mic input
1x 1/4″ mono mic input
Outputs 1x 1/4″ TRS stereo headphone output
2x 1/4″ TR outputs
2x XLR outputs, each with ground
2x 1/4″ TRS effect send outputs
1x 1/4″ TRS effect send / slave amp output (send only provides right channel audio out to slave amp for stereo)
Channels and Controls Instrument: Low, mid, high, volume
Keyboard: Low, mid, high, volume
Microphone: Low, mid, high, volume
Auxiliary: Volume
Phones: Volume
Master: Low, mid, high, volume
Tweeter 2x 4″ mid to high frequency drivers
Woofer 1x 15″ low frequency driver
2x bass ports, front and rear

My 1959 Hammond B3 organ with custom built Super Leslie Speaker by the late great Bill Beer of Keyboard Products – just to the right of the Leslie box & flight case is my well-traveled original Hammond XB-2 in the ‘weekend warrior case’, it was not lightweight and not designed for heavy travel – but with the help of lots of gaffer tape and stickers I went around the world with that organ numerous times – can’t beat the mighty B3, but it won’t fit in a taxi cab don’t ya’ know! – Jon Hammond *Note: It was a LONG weekend for the Weekend Warrior Case folks!:

Very Special Concert in Suzuki Hall, First Time Koei Tanaka Harmonica In Duo with Jon Hammond B3mk2 Organ and High Power Leslie model 3300W

and W stands for Wood! – Jon Hammond

Jon Hammond at the Hammond Organ with Manji Suzuki President Founder of Suzuki Musical Instruments Corp. LTD in Hamamatsu Japan

Jon’s archive

Suzuki Headquarters and factory concert special for President Founder Manji Suzuki with introduction by Waichiro ‘Tachi’ Tachikawa, Jon Hammond at the new B3mk2 organ with Koei Tanaka chromatic harmonica


Special Thanks Mr. H. Ono, Mr. M. Terada, Mr. S. Ohtaka, Mr. Y. Beniya, Tachi Tachikawa, President M. Suzuki and entire Suzuki Musical Instruments Team

Suzuki Musical Instruments, B3mk2 Organ, Tachi Tachikawa, Hamamatsu, Headquarters, Jon Hammond, Local 802 Musicians Union

Jon Hammond at the Hammond Organ – WALL OF LESLIE POWER and Stacked 122’s with B3 Organ

Wall of Sound, Leslie 2215, #LeslieSpeaker #HighPower #Hamamatsu #Suzuki #HammondOrgan #Musikmesse #NAMMShow

Jon’s archive

Usage Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs
Topics TAKA, Takamitsu Yashiro, Blue Groove Sessions, Harley Davidson, Fender Telecaster, Jon Hammond, HammondCast, Kamakura, Japan

TAKA Blue Groove Sessions on HammondCast KYOU Radio interview with Jon Hammond in Narita Japan. Guitarist producer and Harley Daivdson chopper from Kamakura




Interviews Sennheiser Jon Hammond Headphones Microphones Organ Accordion Music Archive NAMM Musikmesse – Jon Hammond

L to R Dr. Andreas Sennheiser, Jon Hammond, Daniel Sennheiser

I went back to Beantown a couple of years ago with Jennifer and visited Tony Germain at Berklee, he’s still teaching

there – check it out: Return of The Student interview with Tony (40 years later!), LINK:

Bob Schleicher, I haven’t seen Bob for a few years either – I’ll have to go see him one of these times – I took this photo of

Bob a few years back with his favorite personal B3 and tall boy:

This was about 1978 when I was working with Lou Colombo down on the Cape at Wychmere Harbor Club – Harwich Port

Sometimes Lou would bring Dick Johnson on the gig and scare the pants off of the 25 year old organ player!

Dick Johnson accepting NEA award for Artie Shaw – Most Important Jazz Photos In Recent History by Jon Hammond and Film
#WATCHMOVIE HERE: Most Important Jazz Photos In Recent History by Jon Hammond and Film Jon’s archive Views 1,021 #1021 Youtube 329 views #329 All Images and Video Film Copyright Jon Hammond International ©JHINTL Usage Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs Topics NEA Jazz Masters, Jon Hammond, Anita O’Day, Chico Hamilton, Horace Silver, Ron Carter, Dana Gioia, HammondCast, Hammond Cast, KYOURADIO, Local 802 Musicians Union From Jon Hammond Archive, Jon’s pictures taken of surviving and then present (2004) NEA Jazz Master legends, many from this list including Horace Silver, Louis Bellson, Anita O’Day, Ron Carter, Cecil Taylor, Frank Foster, Benny Golson, Roy Haynes, Hank Jones and many more, enjoy! Jon Hammond​

Carvin Pro Audio, NAMM Sessions, Jon Hammond, Chuggy Carter, Joe Berger, #NAMMShow #Carvin #Jazz #HammondOrgan

Pocket Funk Photos Film Gallery Jon Hammond Band in jazzkeller

October 21, 2016

#WATCHMOVIE HERE: Pocket Funk Photos Film Gallery Jon Hammond Band in jazzkeller

Jon’s archive




Pocket Funk by Jon Hammond with photos by Andreas Meer the great Rock Photographer of Frankfurt – Jon’s annual musikmesse Warm Up Party in the world famous Jazzkeller

– almost complete take shot by Aurelia Natalini with camera direction by Tino Pavlis – Giovanni Totò Gulino drums, Peter Klohmann tenor saxophone, Joe Berger guitar, Jon Hammond at the Sk1 Hammond organ ©Jon Hammond International ASCAP – Jon Hammond Band

Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0
Topics photographs, funky jazz, hammond organ, sk1, Jon Hammond, musikmesse, music party, chocolate cake, tenor saxophone, frankfurt, electric guitar, drums, ASCAP Composer, local 802, musicians union

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Producer Jon Hammond
Language English

Jon’s archive




Youtube Jon Hammond Band XK5 Organ Debut introduction by “Gregg” Gregory Gronowski


Full High Definition Film:
Jon Hammond Band at XK-5 Organ Debut with Introduction by “Gregg” Gregory Gronowski the late great Marketing and Sales Genius for Hammond Suzuki USA –
*Note: Very very sadly soon after this piece was filmed in Nashville Gregg Gregory Gronowski passed away suddenly on August 19th of 2016 – Remembering Gregg Grownoski folks, R.I.P. Gregg! – Jon Hammond –
Hammond Organ USA Party SoundCheck Nashville: Kayleigh Moyer drums, Chuggy Carter congas percussion, Joe Berger guitar, Jon Hammond at the new XK-5 organ – Summer NAMM 2016 fifth Sound Soul Summit Hammond Organ USA co-sponsored by Keyboard magazine and Soundcheck LLC, Nashville – Event: “the first public showing of Hammond’s new XK5 organ and Heritage Series expanded systems, which represent the cutting edge of technology applied to recreating the precise touch, feel, and sound of the classic Hammond B-3. #NAMMShow #SummerNAMM #HammondOrgan

Usage Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0
Topics Video by Lori, Late Rent (Music), Jon Hammond Show, MNN TV, #HammondOrgan ASCAP Composer, Musicians Union, Local 802, Local 6, Public Access TV, 32nd year

Yes that’s Andy Warhol on The Jon Hammond Show folks! #AndyWarhol

Jon Hammond Show Preview 06/13 MNN TV Ch 1 – Original Music, Travel and Soft News – beginning with Jon Hammond classic theme song Late Rent with video by Lori *Note: Every frame is heavily embedded with i.d. information and copyright protected ©JON HAMMOND International – next Bernard Purdie plays Jon Hammond’s original Pocket Funk with Jon Hammond Band with Koei Tanaka harmonica, Joe Berger guitar, Alex Budman tenor, Bernard Purdie drums, Jon Hammond at the Sk1 Hammond organ onstage at NAMM Anaheim CA. Next Hoodman and then Scott Cooper flies in vintage NAB movie production. Next Jon Hammond’s composition Lydia’s Tune played in Hamburg Germany with the NDR Horns – Michael Leuschner trumpet, Fiete Felsch alto, Lutz Büchner tenor, Heinz Lichius drums, Joe Berger guitar, Jon Hammond organ and covering bass. Outtake to Jon’s theme song Late Rent with images of Jon Hammond Show moments, now in 32nd year on New York Cable every Friday night late (Sat. morning) 1:30AM on MNN TV Channel 1

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Producer Jon Hammond
Language English

New York NY — Joe Berger doing an Apple Logic Pro X – Apple Tutorial at The Beacon School –

Hmm…I don’t know what happened to Mark Via, Joe Berger and I came and played a session with his kids at The Beacon School and never heard back again from him. I hope he’s OK – maybe I should check with Richard Carter and see if any signs of life around Fifth Ave. pehaps? – Jon Hammond — with Mark Via, Khaya Lee, Joe Berger and The Beacon School at The Beacon School.

Jon’s archive




Auster Jazz Head Phone NDR Horns Funky Heinz – 3 + 3

Jon Hammond Band Live in Auster Bar Hamburg with funky Heinz Lichius drums, NDR Horns: Michael Leuschner trumpet, Lutz Büchner tenor sax, Fiete Felsch alto sax, Joe Berger guitar, Jon Hammond organ + bass - Note: Joe Berger is playing Futhark Guitars -Jon Hammond – Hammond organ made by Suzuki Musical Instruments – special thanks to our friend and excellent drummer Nicolai Ditsch for operating the camera! & Auster Bar Team Frank Blume & Torsten Wendt

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Usage Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0
Topics Funky Jazz, Hamburg, Auster Bar, NDR Horns, Jon Hammond, Sk1, Organ, Trumpet, Saxophones, Guitar, drums, Head Phone, ASCAP Composer

Producer Jon Hammond
Language English

Mourning Lutz Büchner – Trauer um Lutz Büchner

Jon’s archive

Thoughts about Lutz from Jon Hammond LINK:

Saturday, March 12, 2016: Folks, I am really in shock from hearing news of the unexpected and very sad death of my good friend Lutz Büchner! I really didn’t want to say it on the internet after receiving the horrible news in communications with our mutual good friend and fellow musician / bandmate Heinz Lichius. This is so hard to get my head around and accept it but I know it’s true that Lutz suffered a fatal heart attack while on tour in Tokyo Japan with his beloved NDR-bigband with Peter Erskine on the band – I can see Lutz’ smile and hear his voice and music in my mind like it was yesterday – and we spoke and played together so many times. So now I see the news releases are already out on the news FEEDS from the NDR, Hamburger Abendblatt etc. and a few too-early mentions on the Facebook, so I know it’s time to write a few words for those of you who might not know of Lutz Büchner, as follows: As Joe Gallardo the great trombonist and long-time colleague of Lutz’ said in email to me last night: “As you well know, Lutz was first of all a great human being and secondly, he was a masterful player. Lutz was my brother. We will all miss him.” – The very first time I met Lutz was in 1995 on a rainy night in Hamburg Eimsbüttel at the Thursday night weekly jazz session in Jazzclub Birdland – I had heard him the week before and pushed my Hammond organ on the wheels through the rain to the club and got there real early, Hr. Reichert the owner opened up the club and I was telling Mr. Reichert I came the week before but didn’t get to play so “early bird gets the worm…and maybe I’ll get to play with Lutz Büchner!” – well we did it and by good luck my friend Joris Dudli the great drummer was there – it was magic from the first hit. That’s where it started, I was living in Hamburg to play music and write tunes – like so many musicians following in the footsteps of The Beatles, by invitation of my sponsor Knut Benzner journalist moderator on the NDR. From then on together with main man Heinz Lichius drums who I had met just before when Heinz came over to meet me one afternoon – Heinz had recommended to check out Lutz, one of the finest rising musicians on the Hamburg scene. We had a lot of great times together on the bandstand and off from that time on – we played in Hamburg and his hometown of Bremen – turned out to be that Lutz was a real life jazz angel who saved my life at least twice, one time involving bringing me to the hospital / krankenhaus and translating to me what they were about to do to me – we escaped out the side door and the doctor came to our gig that night! I met Lutz’ Mom and Dad beautiful people when they came to hear us play in Bremen at Studio club April 7, 1998 – and most recently our last gigs together with my favorite musicians Michael Leuschner, (Heinz Lichius of course) “Fiete” Ernst-Friedrich Fiete Felsch NDR horn section brothers along with Joe Berger guitar, probably best gig of my life – Lutz was so happy to have found his love with his wife Bettina and he was always crazy about his son Asmus and his step daughters by Bettina, the happiest I have ever seen him, he glowed in the dark he had that much joy! — Back in 2005 I had an idea, I said to my long-time girlfriend Jennifer: Lutz is one of the greatest saxophonists I ever heard, I want to feature him on a CD release, he could be making a great record every day! I couldn’t believe that he didn’t have any feature albums out at that point – so I discussed it with Knut Benzner and we all co-produced a recording session for this purpose in the famous Studio 1 at NDR, the NDR SESSIONS Projekt was born, with the addition of “Joe G” / Joe Gallardo on trombone and Heinz Lichius and myself, Rudolf Grosser at the controls big SSL console, we started playing in the morning and I played through the magic bass amp belonging to Lucas Lindholm – the boys took one long coffee break and other than that we recorded tunes all day long – I am so grateful that I’ll always have this recording date together with Lutz, of course later on Lutz came out with more records – but this one for me is my special keepsake that went down with the blessings of NDR with the help of Knut Benzner and Axel Dürr. So many stories I can tell you, but most importantly everybody loved Lutz, I know there are a lot of tears flowing now around Hamburg and Bremen, my heart goes out to Lutz’ Family, Friends and Musicians music brothers and sisters! The 2nd to the last time we played together, I hadn’t seen Lutz for a while and he told me about a real miracle of survival when he was driving on the autobahn with Bettina and the kinder all his happy Family in the car, I think there was ice on the road – a car slammed in to the back of his car demolishing the car, but Lutz’ horns were in the trunk – they all got crushed but it saved his Family! They were all shaken up but OK – the lucky star was shining over them, and even though Lutz is not with us physically anymore, his lucky star will always be shining – he was competely dedicated to the NDR-bigband family of musicians and his own Family – always a huge inspiration to me as a person and master musician, rest in peace my very special good friend Lutz Büchner – my deepest and most sincere condolences go out to Lutz’ Mom and Dad and Bettina and his son Asmus and step children by Bettina – all the folks who know and love Lutz, sincerely, Jon Hammond

Jon’s archive




Usage Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs
Topics Jazz Griot, Donald Meade, JEN Atlanta, Historian, Impromptu, Education, Chitlin Circuit

Atlanta GA — Jazz Historian Donald Meade here at the Jazz Education Network conference 2013 telling some wonderful jazz stories, and actually explains how the Chitlin Circuit got it’s name! This was totally impromptu at a table including Jon Hammond, Javon Jackson, Joe Chambers, and Martin W. Mueller from The New School for Contemporary & Jazz Music – listening to Jazz Griot Award Recipient Donald Meade tell these fascinating stories in his engaging style, enjoy folks!
Jon Hammond

Jazz Griot, Donald Meade, JEN Atlanta, Historian, Impromptu, Education, Chitlin Circuit

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Producer Jon Hammond

Donald Meade Jazz Griot December 8, 1928 – May 22, 2015

Meade, born December 8, 1928 in Joliet Illinois, was raised in Joliet and later in the Watertown area of East Moline during the time when jazz was coming of age. Meade speaks fondly of growing up musically in the time of Duke Ellington. Nat Cole. Pat Patrick. Louis Armstrong. Clark Terry- and many other pioneers and innovators of the day. He has been a lifelong friend and confidant to many of the jazz legends and innovators, and has traveled extensively with jazz giants such as Ed Thigpen. Ray Brown. Oscar Peterson. Milt Jackson. Cedar Walton, the Heath Brothers. Art Farmer, and Ella Fitzgerald to name a few. “At one time jazz was the popular music” he says.

A friend and mentor to many, as well as a great jazz historian, Donald “Papa” Meade passed away on May 22, 2015. Donald’s spirit and dreams live on through those friends, mentees and the recipients of the Donald Meade Griot Award.

— RIP my friend Ron Polte – manager of Quicksilver, Ace of Cups, Wild West Fest – Jon Hammond

(my band opened for Copperhead on one of the very few live gigs they played in 1972 at The Longbranch Saloon)

Tam Junction and Piatti Mill Valley Restaurant – Breakfast with Ron, rest in peace Ron Polte – Jon Hammond :

Photo: Nick Gravenites and Julius Karpen at Ron’s Memorial recently – Jon Hammond

*Note: We had a lot of fun in

the old days at 759 Harrison Street San Francisco when we shared rehearsal space with The Quicksilver Messenger Service at Bruce Hatch’s San

Francisco Radical Laboratories aka SF Rad Lab in years 1968 / 1969 (not to be confused with radiation lab folks! I am still in touch with

QSM guitarist Gary Duncan, sending my condolences Gary! – JH

Jon’s archive




Jon Hammond’s Annual Musikmesse Warm Up Party in Jazzkeller Frankfurt

“White Onions” by Jon Hammond, special guest Lee Oskar harmonica,
Tony Lakatos tenor saxophone, Giovanni Gulino drums, Joe Berger guitar,
Jon Hammond at Sk1 Hammond organ / bass
special thanks Thomas Eich TecAmp – 2 x 12″ Neodymium Speakers with TecAmp power amp on my organ

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musikmesse warm up party jazzkeller frankfurt hammond sk1 lee oskar tony lakatos funky jazz blues shuffle

Run time 11 minutes 19 seconds
Producer Jon Hammond
Audio/Visual sound

by Jon Hammond

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Topics musikmesse warm up party, jazzkeller frankfurt, hammond sk1, lee oskar, tony lakatos, funky, jazz, blues, shuffle

Jon’s archive


29th Year! Jon Hammond’s musikmesse Warm Up Party jazzkeller – Big Special Thanks to my good friend Saray Pastanesi​ for absolute Masterpiece Birthday & 29th musikmesse​ Chocolate Chocolate cake​!! It was delicious, every morsel was consumed and enjoyed!!! Jon Hammond​ / Jon Hammond Band​
DIENSTAG, 14.4. ROCK | POP | JAZZ Journal Frankfurt im aktuellen
Journal Frankfurt​ Journalkalender
1 JAZZ/BLUES/FOLK Jon Hammond & Band Wer zählt noch mit … Mal ernsthaft: der Mann, der so heißt wie sein Instrument, ist zum 29. Mal zur Musikmesse „Warm Up Party”. 21:00, Ffm: Jazzkeller​, Kleine Bockenheimer Straße 18a Facebook Jon Hammond – organ Joe Berger – guitar Peter Klohmann – saxophone Giovanni Gulino – drums Mr. Hammond has toured worldwide since 1991 using the incredible Sk1 organ by Hammond Suzuki..™ “Classic Hammond Sound…In A Suitcase!” The Jon Hammond Show is a funky swinging instrumental revue, featuring top international soloists. The show has universal appeal. Big Hammond orgel sound – 100% organic – Jon Hammond Organ Group​


Jazzkeller Jon Hammond Band – Pocket Funk Photos Film Gallery

Jazz Photo Gallery, Frankfurt, #Jazzkeller #Musikmesse #NAMMShow #HammondOrgan

Jon Hammond Funk Unit With Some Bad Hombres Specials On The Band in Nashville Tennessee Nissan NAMM Stage!

October 20, 2016

#WATCHMOVIE HERE: Jon Hammond Funk Unit With Some Bad Hombres Specials On The Band in Nashville Tennessee Nissan NAMM Stage!

Jon’s archive

Some Serious Bad Hombres!:

Roland Barber – trombone, trumpet, sea shell
Cord Martin​ – tenor saxophone
Chuggy Carter​ – percussion
Louis Flip Winfield​ – drums
Lee Oskar​ – harmonica
Joe Berger​ – guitar
Jon Hammond​ – organ + bass

2PM EST Jon Hammond Funk Unit kicking it off on the Nissan Stage at Summer NAMM Show Nashville Music City Center​

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#NAMMShow #SummerNAMM #NissanStage







#badhombre vs #badhombres #Unbeleivable

Bad Hombre Joe Berger!

*photo courtesy CNN

Jon Hammond Funk Unit on Nissan Stage Nashville Music City Center Summer NAMM Show showcase:

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Producer Jon Hammond
Language English

WALL OF LESLIE SPEAKER SOUND 2215 HIGH POWER 3300 WOOD VERSION 3300w Keyboard Products Super Leslie Jon Hammond

3 x LS-2215 Leslie’s with Hammond Sk1 Organ – Jon Hammond:

Leslie LS-2215 Info

Mono Solid State 200W RMS/300W Peak
Preamp Stereo mini mixer
Inputs 2x 1/4″ TR keyboard inputs, auto sensing between passive/active
2x 1/4″ TR instrument inputs, auto sensing between passive/active
2x 1/4″ TR auxiliary inputs
2x 1/4″ TRS effects return inputs
1x 1/4″ TRS effects return / power amp input
1x XLR mic input
1x 1/4″ mono mic input
Outputs 1x 1/4″ TRS stereo headphone output
2x 1/4″ TR outputs
2x XLR outputs, each with ground
2x 1/4″ TRS effect send outputs
1x 1/4″ TRS effect send / slave amp output (send only provides right channel audio out to slave amp for stereo)
Channels and Controls Instrument: Low, mid, high, volume
Keyboard: Low, mid, high, volume
Microphone: Low, mid, high, volume
Auxiliary: Volume
Phones: Volume
Master: Low, mid, high, volume
Tweeter 2x 4″ mid to high frequency drivers
Woofer 1x 15″ low frequency driver
2x bass ports, front and rear

My 1959 Hammond B3 organ with custom built Super Leslie Speaker by the late great Bill Beer of Keyboard Products – just to the right of the Leslie box & flight case is my well-traveled original Hammond XB-2 in the ‘weekend warrior case’, it was not lightweight and not designed for heavy travel – but with the help of lots of gaffer tape and stickers I went around the world with that organ numerous times – can’t beat the mighty B3, but it won’t fit in a taxi cab don’t ya’ know! – Jon Hammond *Note: It was a LONG weekend for the Weekend Warrior Case folks!:

Very Special Concert in Suzuki Hall, First Time Koei Tanaka Harmonica In Duo with Jon Hammond B3mk2 Organ and High Power Leslie model 3300W

and W stands for Wood! – Jon Hammond

Jon Hammond at the Hammond Organ with Manji Suzuki President Founder of Suzuki Musical Instruments Corp. LTD in Hamamatsu Japan

Jon’s archive

Suzuki Headquarters and factory concert special for President Founder Manji Suzuki with introduction by Waichiro ‘Tachi’ Tachikawa, Jon Hammond at the new B3mk2 organ with Koei Tanaka chromatic harmonica


Special Thanks Mr. H. Ono, Mr. M. Terada, Mr. S. Ohtaka, Mr. Y. Beniya, Tachi Tachikawa, President M. Suzuki and entire Suzuki Musical Instruments Team

Suzuki Musical Instruments, B3mk2 Organ, Tachi Tachikawa, Hamamatsu, Headquarters, Jon Hammond, Local 802 Musicians Union

Jon Hammond at the Hammond Organ – WALL OF LESLIE POWER and Stacked 122’s with B3 Organ

Wall of Sound, Leslie 2215, #LeslieSpeaker #HighPower #Hamamatsu #Suzuki #HammondOrgan #Musikmesse #NAMMShow

Jon’s archive

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Topics TAKA, Takamitsu Yashiro, Blue Groove Sessions, Harley Davidson, Fender Telecaster, Jon Hammond, HammondCast, Kamakura, Japan

TAKA Blue Groove Sessions on HammondCast KYOU Radio interview with Jon Hammond in Narita Japan. Guitarist producer and Harley Daivdson chopper from Kamakura




Interviews Sennheiser Jon Hammond Headphones Microphones Organ Accordion Music Archive NAMM Musikmesse – Jon Hammond

L to R Dr. Andreas Sennheiser, Jon Hammond, Daniel Sennheiser

Parking lot of Sennheiser Headquarters in Wedemark Germany, Knut Benzner of NDR with 421 mic and Norbert Hilbich long-time Sennheiser man!

Jon Hammond using Sennheiser e855 evolution microphone on interview with Tommy Denander and Mathias Melo in Hollywood

Nashville Tennessee — Jon Hammond interviewing legendary Roy Clark with Sennheiser evolution e855 microphone

Jon’s archive

Roy Clark Television Interview with Jon Hammond just before Roy appeared on the American Eagle Awards in Nashville Tennessee during Summer NAMM Show – Roy Clark an American Living Legend and long-time member of The Grand Ole Opry and The Country Music Hall of Fame – Roy’s wiki

Roy Linwood Clark (born April 15, 1933) is an American country music musician and performer. He is best known for hosting Hee Haw, a nationally televised country variety show, from 1969 to 1992. Roy Clark has been an important and influential figure in country music, both as a performer and helping to popularize the genre.

Jon’s archive




Jon Hammond original composition “Train Song” performed at Jon’s annual musikmesse Warm Up Party in the world famousJazzkeller Frankfurt

– Jon Hammond Band: Giovanni Totò Gulino drums, Peter Klohmann tenor saxophone, Joe Berger guitar, Jon Hammond Sk1 Hammond organ – special thanks to Frank Poehl for operating the camera – ©JH INTL ASCAP Publishing JON HAMMOND International

Producer Jon Hammond
Language English

Usage Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0
Topics Train, Song, Hammond organ, Warm Up Party, Jon Hammond, jazzkeller, Frankfurt, Jazz, musikmesse, Peter Klohmann, Giovanni Totò Gulino, Joe Berger, ASCAP Composer

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Special Thanks Eugen Hahn jazzkeller

Get Back in The Groove composed by Jon Hammond ©JH INTL Jon Hammond International ASCAP

Jon’s archive




Rare Footage from inside Jazz Kneipe Frankfurt!

I played 207 gigs in the famous JAZZ KNEIPE Frankfurt at Berlinerstr. 70 until Regina the boss finally closed the doors and moved to Spain a few years ago, usually in Duo, sometimes as Trio but more often than not as Solo. This was a special occasion because my bandmates from California came over so I had them on the gig with addition of Sgt. Al Wittig of U.S. Air Force on tenor, James Preston of Sons of Champlin band drums, Barry Finnerty gtr., myself Jon Hammond at XB-2 Hammond organ. This was a very special place frequented by all the musicians after there gigs. A 5 hour gig until wee hours of the morning, Live Music 7 days a week in rotation with musicians like Piano George, Izio Gross, Wilson de Oliveira and members of HR Bigband. Regina introduced me to Tony Lakatos the Hungarian tenor saxophonist who I play with still today. The club was not large but it had a great atmosphere and was always a safe place to hang out until as late as 5AM. Sadly the Jazz Kneipe is still shuttered there on Berlinerstr. directly behind the Frankfurter Hof Hotel. All musicians tip their hat when they pass by. There’s a lot of music in those walls!

Jon Hammond Band original composition “Head Phone” with Atilla Zoller (RIP) in the house that night. ©)JHIntl. Jon Hammond International

Facebook video

Jon Hammond’s Sennheiser evolution microphone Monophonic Recorder combo Headphone HD 25-1 Classic and Song

Jon Hammond: Back to Mono with Sennheiser combo TASCAM product DR-10X Plug-on Micro Linear PCM Recorder for XLR Connection (flipped over):
Monophonic High fidelity Folks! True Hi-fi

Jon Hammond playing his 1968 Gibson Byrdland – owned since 18 years old

Front and Back Jon Hammond’s 1968 Gibson Byrdland

Jon Hammond interviewing the great Roy Clark with Sennheiser evolution e855 microphone – Roy is a long-time Gibson Byrdland virtuoso!

Jon Hammond 1965 Fender Bandmaster Blackface on the bench

Jon’s Bandmaster Fender Head paired with Bag End 15″ coaxial speaker bottom

Jon Hammond flanked by Sennheiser co-CEO’s Dr. Andreas Sennheiser and Daniel Sennheiser

foto by Christian Burkert:

Sennheiser to open Soundscape Showroom in the Westfield World Trade Center – Jon Hammond
“Daniel and Andreas Sennheiser who run the blossoming Sennheiser company, an audio business based in Germany. (CHRISTIAN BURKERT)”
Monday, October 3, 2016, 2:47 PM
“Daniel Sennheiser knows exactly what he’s up against.

Along with his brother Andreas, Daniel Sennheiser runs the blossoming Sennheiser company, a blossoming audio business based in Germany. But he’s watched and admired New York City for a long time, come to appreciate the business challenges of the Big Apple.

And along the way, Sennheiser says, he’s come to view New York City as a pivotal battleground for any business ready to go global.

“New York has been the beginning of a lot of things,” Sennheiser says. “This is a melting pot, that has brought up so many things, brought up Broadway. New York is very fast-living. And that’s positive in a sense that they’re quick to pick up new trends and things.
“But that also means you need to make a certain amount of noise.”

And now, it’s time for Sennheiser to make some noise. In late October, the company will take up residence in the Big Apple, opening the Sennheiser Soundscape Showroom in the Westfield World Trade Center.

It’s a venue that will be filled with Sennheiser’s unique products, but the focus isn’t on selling. Instead, Sennheiser is focused on introducing New Yorkers to its distinctive audio, part of a first step in establishing the company as a sound powerhouse in a nation that’s spent the last few years in the midst of a great headphone awakening.

“We believe it’s the right time for us to make a big splash to share our version of the future of audio with New York,” says Andreas.

It’s an intriguing vision from a company that’s long delivered high-quality sound but has consistently lacked the profile of the bigger names in the industry. Beats by Dre and Bose own the majority of U.S. mindshare, and both companies are highly visible, utilized by both celebrities and major sports franchises.
Sennheiser has never had such presence, and that’s mostly by choice. Look closely during your next NBA on TNT broadcast, and you may notice Sennheiser headsets on the play-by-play guys. But the company has historically done little marketing, preferring to let its devices shine on their own merits.

The Soundscape Showroom isn’t the start of some massive ad campaign, either. But it is part of a company-wide initiative to be more visible in the United States, to draw more notice to an underrated line of products. Just a few years ago, the company set up a small pop-up store on the East Side. With the Soundscape Showroom, it’s going bigger, aiming to be a national presence.

“It’s to raise a little awareness. We’re just not present enough,” Daniel says, before talking proudly of Sennheiser’s lore. “Sennheiser is the inventor of the hi-fi headphone. Not a lot of people know that.”

Indeed, few realize just how potent Sennheiser products truly are. It was Sennheiser that released the first pair of open headphones way back in 1968, and it’s Sennheiser that’s continued to chase perfect, pure sound throughout the last few decades.

And it’s Sennheiser that last year debuted the HE1 Orpheus, a handcrafted set of headphones powered by a massive amplifier built from marble and driven by gold-vaporized electrodes and platinum vaporized-diaphragms. It’s a device that costs tens of thousands of dollars and is hardly for use with your iPad on the train – but it’s a device that showcases Sennheiser’s pursuit of high-level sound.

“Sennheiser has been on the forefront of audio strategy for years,” says Daniel. “We just added the sexy aesthetics after we did the sound.”

Sound remains the company’s top priority, but in recent years, it’s been pushing to match the more attractive headphones delivered by the likes of Beats and Bose. There’s the Momentum line of headphones, a sharp-looking line of headphones with rugged leather bands that seem tailor made for the stylish Manhattanite.

And just this summer, Sennheiser released the PXC 550, a noise-canceling Bluetooth pair of cans designed to go head-to-head with Bose’s QuietComfort line, but with touch controls built onto the earcups.
These products, says Daniel Sennheiser, are examples of Sennheiser’s ability to adapt to culture, proof that the company’s products truly can fit the New Yorker. The Sennheiser aesthetic is unique, and the Momentums are especially eye-catching units, as fashion-conscious as they come.

The hope is that consumers enter the Soundscape Showroom and see these products, falling in love with a new brand of headphone.

“The qualities (of Sennheiser headphones) are great — the material, the leather, the steal,” Daniel says. “But you also have to have the opportunity to touch it. In our experience, audio is something you can’t describe. You have to put it on your head.

“Sennheiser is not a brand for everyone. I think we’re a brand for people who are in the know, who are creative, who really look for special things. That’s why I think a place like New York is the place to be.”

And that’s precisely why Sennheiser is finally here, with the Soundscape Showroom as its first truly potent portal in the United States. The goal is to build from here, Andreas says, to finally aggressively cultivate the Sennheiser brand in the U.S.

It won’t be easy, not with Beats and Bose dominant. But Sennheiser arrives prepared.

“We have a serious plan, but we’re also nimble enough to adjust,” says Daniel. “As Frank Sinatra said, ‘If you can make it here, you can make it everywhere.'”

Interviews Sennheiser Jon Hammond Headphones Microphones Organ Accordion Music Archive NAMM Musikmesse

Facebook Video:

Jon’s archive

Sennheiser (headphones) Momentum series

with tribute to Lutz Büchner on solo section:
Head Phone stick with Sennheiser (headphones) Jon Hammond’s 20th annual Musikmesse Session in Jazzkeller Hofheim – funky jazz with Giovanni Totò Gulino drums, Peter Klohmann tenor saxo, Joe Berger guitar, Jon Hammond at the Sk1 Hammond organ – Jon’s keyboard stand by
Bespeco Professional, Audio: Philipp, Konrad Neupert, Marvin Gans Jazzkeller Hofheim Team – special thanks Jeff Guilford / JJ guitars for operating the camera

Sennheiser HD 25-1

NAMM Oral History Interview Jon Hammond by Dan Del Fiorentino and Tony Arambarri

Jon’s archive




Usage Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs
Topics NAMM Oral History, Musikmesse, Mini-B, NAMM, G37, G27, Leslie Speaker, Onions, Jazz, Blues, Musicians Union, Local 802, ASCAP, KYOU Radio, Anaheim, Frankfurt, B3 Organ, XB-2, Leslie Speaker

Jon Hammond | Oral History Interview Date: January 13, 2011 library/ oral-history/ jon-hammond

Jon Hammond
Interview Date: January 13, 2011
Job Title: President and Founder
Company: Jon Hammond & Associates
accordions electric organs Hammond B-3 Hammond Organs Jazz Music Manufacturing Musicians

Jon Hammond

Jon Hammond has successfully created a career based on his musical talents and his passion for the music industry! As a musician Jon has performed with many legendary players and as a clinician and product artist he has introduced many innovative products to music stores and their customers over the last 30 plus years. Jon is closely identified with the two main products of his career, the Excelsior Accordion and the Digital B3 Organ.

Subject Info Jon Hammond Interview Date: January 13, 2011 Job Title: President and Founder Jon Hammond & Associates Jon Hammond has successfully created a … of his career, the Excelsior Accordion and the Digital B3Organ. (accordions, electric organs, Hammond B-3, Hammond Organs)

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“Interview: Co-CEO Dr Andreas Sennheiser” credit: PSN Europe

“Dr Andreas Sennheiser took over the running of his family business with his brother Daniel in May of 2013. In the three years since, the company has released some notable technology – but there have been some serious changes at the company along the way. In an wide-ranging and candid interview, Dave Robinson discovers what the young co-CEO thinks about the $50k Orpheus headphones, the restructuring of the company, the fiercely competitive marketplace and what gets him out of bed in a morning…

Let’s begin with AMBEO, your 3D, immersive audio concept.

Dr Andreas Sennheiser: At CES, we launched something we’ve been working on for the last 5-7 years: algorithms for ‘immersive audio’. When we started research, we thought it was going to be relevant: it was a gut feeling that what exists wasn’t good enough. While we did research on these algorithms, we didn’t know where it was going to go, but with big content providers such as Universal and Red Bull Media embarking in 360-degree video and immersive audio recordings in the last 12-18 months, suddenly a huge new world has opened up for us. So, we’ve started to compile all the technology into distinct solutions for recording, mixing, processing, playing back. And that’s what we showed with the AMBEO brand at CES [and NAMM and PL+S]. It’s the starting point of something we will develop with our customers.

We really are positioning ourselves to take advantage of whatever 3D format emerges, a format with a higher emotional impact. Many artists have said to us, the only way to really connect with the audience the way they want to is to play live – but if they had a format that captured that, so that users at home could listen to it in a way similar to actually being there, then they would have a higher engagement with the listeners. That’s when we got serious about bringing AMBEO to the market.

At NAMM you demonstrated a surround-style ‘tetra mic’, with its ‘virtual miking technique’ software, which could change the way things are recorded…

The interesting thing about this is that we have to combine different technologies in order to make the immersive experience perfect; to integrate different technologies to make the transition from reality to virtual reality seamless.

With third party involvement?

By presenting it in its initial stage, it’s an invitation to our customers to think ahead, whether that’s a possible approach for them, how they would use it, and to find new applications for it. It’s all software based at the moment – we have a virtualisation algorithm, an upmix algorithm – we don’t really have a hardware decoder at this point, but if we see a stronger need, we can go in that direction, too.

Let’s talk about Orpheus, the HE 1, the ‘world’s most expensive headphone’.

The HE 1 for us is a product, a statement, and an indication of our innovation culture, to a certain extent. We could have said, we still have the Orpheus from 1991, it’s still considered the best headphone in the world, why do something better? But part of our culture is to not be happy with anything that exists now, regardless of whether we invented it or not. About 10 years ago, we decided it was the time for the world to experience the next level. On one hand, it’s beyond common sense. But, on the other, by being so intensively on the limits of physics, we learn so much for other applications.

You make it sound like the Space Programme…

Yes, exactly, and this pushes the entire Sennheiser culture into new ways. Think about the effect this has at the company when a group of people bring out a flagship that will be there for another couple of decades. That has a huge motivational impact on the other employees; at the same time, it tells the industry that what exists is not good enough for Sennheiser, so we will push it forward.

I’ve heard the HE 1s. They make sound ‘visceral’, I would suggest.

People have ‘seen’ things, heard things which they haven’t heard before, or been able to describe.

Do you think they are worth $50,000?

[Immediately] Absolutely. No doubt.

What sort of reaction have you had to them?

A product like this is dividing: people who rave about it, others who say, Is it worth the money? But to me, it’s not the point: it’s about buying into an exclusivity which sets you apart, in a positive way, from the masses. It’s connoisseurship. From the feedback we’ve got, most of the customers who are interested in the HE 1 are audiophiles who say, Audio is my life.

The original Orpheus had a run of some 300 units. When HE 1 ships later this year, will that be limited to 300 too?

We are not planning any limitation this time: but it is limited by the price and the capacity – making one per day – and the level of customisation. We have significant requests for customised versions.

You mean I can have them in pink?

Someone wants it in solid jade instead of marble, for instance. The exclusivity includes the concept of a one-off product, as long as the sound properties are not affected.

How many do you think you’ll be making?

We have more than 50 ordered. I don’t believe it’s going to stop at 100 or 200. I personally believe that it’s something that’s going to be with you for life, and we will offer servicing on it so it will be with you as long as you want to enjoy it.

Turning to the other end of the market, consumer headphones: it’s an increasingly aggressive and crowded marketplace. What is Sennheiser doing there?

We’re trying to be more focused on specific target groups. With the Momentum line, for example, we are targeting a specific type of personality, people who have a certain style and way of expressing themselves. We’re not just looking at price points and shelf space, and that will set us apart from just having X metres of headphone hangers.

You put into place a ‘selective distribution’ model a couple of years ago – other makes have done that too…

It ensures that the brand is represented in the appropriate way. If [our models] were at a cash-and-carry checkout for five pounds [six euros], it would just damage the brand. You can’t credibly have a product like that and the HE 1.

Are you worried that brands like Beats are changing the market?

It’s not necessarily a concern – it is, rather, keeping us on our toes. That increasingly competitive environment was beneficial in two ways: one, it grew the market; two, it forced us to think what Sennheiser is all about, what is at our core, what is our heritage. We’re the only ones to have the 1968 invention of the open-back HD 414 headphone; we’re the only one that has the innovation culture and heritage. How can we use that to be more relevant and have a higher value for the customer? So, with the success of the Momentum line, the higher end HD 800 line, the professional headphones – the HD 25 still being an icon – this process has been healthy for us because it gave us a stronger sense of identity which we are able to communicate.

How successful has the D9000 digital wireless system been?

It’s a huge success, especially in the last year where the ‘Digital Dividend’ [spectrum sell-off] in Japan gave us extra demand and business. Digital 9000 is successful beyond our initial imagination for a simple reason: we positioned and developed it as a system to be used on stage for singers and touring, because it was so flexible. But the corporate world has discovered it, because of its high-level encryption and flexibility in use. We saw a lot of companies adopt it, such as a major American retail chain. There’s a huge market there.

Since you and your brother Daniel became joint CEOs three years ago, you’ve restructured the company. I get the impression, some of that has been easy, and some of it has been hard. Is that correct?

We went from a territorial approach to a sales channel approach. In Europe, there’s no borders for commerce. Consumer is one part, professional is another, and so on.

In a reorganisation like that, you always have a working assumption. Sometimes you assume, sometimes you just hope for the best. The reorganisation was a great success, especially with the feedback we got from our customers. Did everything work out like we planned? With a change of that magnitude, we discovered things we had to fine-tune. That was a learning experience. For us it was more important to go in the direction that makes sense for the future rather than stay with something we know but might not be any longer relevant.

Some of your ideas were quite radical: staff had to look at their roles within the company and say, this is what I do, and this is what I want to do…

You are spot on. We had hundreds of people in new roles, so there was an element of change management.

…Which can be difficult.

Absolutely! And I have empathy with people who are uncertain for a period, who have to find their role and it’s not all clear from Day One. But part of our culture is to go through changes with our employees, and that means everyone can design their future and their fate, which brings the downside of uncertainty with it.

But some people don’t want to do that.

Yes, but it’s part of our nature to involve people in their own destiny rather than giving them 100% certainty but no influence.

The impression I got from the staff video, made for the company’s 70th anniversary last year, is that your employees are pleased to be a part of the Sennheiser phenomenon. The smiles from the people in the factory were natural, not forced.

The passion and commitment, the joy of what we do is everywhere at Sennheiser. And that’s really part of my personal motivation. Seeing people committed to that extent gives me a reason to go forward.

Do you ever feel the burden of the family legacy, though? When you wake up, do you ever think, [in panicked voice] ‘Oh God, I’m running Sennheiser!’…?

[Smiling broadly] With great responsibility comes a certain weight. You have to think about what is good for the company, the customers, the employees. There are moments of doubt and pressure, but all-in-all, what makes me so confident of getting up in the morning is that I’m not alone here, there are 2,700 people who are highly committed and enjoy what they do. It’s not on my shoulders, it’s on 2,700 pairs of shoulders making their own destiny. With that in my mind, it’s easy to get up and assume that responsibility.

Good answer! What do you think you still need to do at the company?

Become quicker, more nimble to reacting to customer feedback.

Sennheiser seems to think about what it’s going to do, thinks some more, and then makes its move. It took you ages to adopt Dante, for instance. That approach can be positive – but negative too.

If 80% of our decisions are well-thought through and strategically directed, that’s exactly what we need. In hindsight, we could have taken some decisions earlier. On the other hand, ‘German engineering and thinking’ takes time. What our next challenge will be, is to preserve the thoroughness of where we want to go, but add an element of ‘start-up’ activity. A start-up culture with 70 years of experience, if you will. If we can do that, then we will be even quicker when supplying the customers with what they want.

Last question: the factory is on fire – you run in and grab three items. What are they?

First, the photo of my grandfather [Fritz Sennheiser, who started the company]. Second, the Emmy Award. [In 2013, Sennheiser was awarded the Philo T. Farnsworth Award, presented to a company whose “contributions over time have significantly impacted television technology and engineering”.] Third, my trolley, which holds all the stuff I use for daily work…

But which one product do you put on that trolley?

The D9000.

Not a classic microphone or headphone?

D9000 is a statement of innovation, and is ‘classic’ at the same time. It’s one of a kind. It’s an icon. It shows all the competency that’s in this company.

Sennheiser Wiki

Sennheiser electronic GmbH & Co. KG (/ˈsɛnhaɪzər/; branded Sennheiser) is a private German audio company specializing in the design and production of a wide range of both consumer and high fidelity products, including microphones, headphones, telephony accessories, and avionics headsets for consumer, professional, and business applications.

ndustry Audio electronics
Founded 1945 (as Labor W)
Headquarters Wedemark, Hanover, Lower Saxony, Germany
Key people
Fritz Sennheiser, founder
Daniel Sennheiser, CEO and Chairman of the Board
Products Audio electronics for consumer, professional, and business uses
Owner Sennheiser family
Number of employees
2,183 as of 2011

The company was founded in 1945, just a few weeks after the end of World War II, by Fritz Sennheiser (1912–2010)[2][3] and seven fellow engineers of the University of Hannover in a laboratory called Laboratorium Wennebostel (shortened, “Lab W”). The laboratory was named after the village of Wennebostel in the municipality of Wedemark to where it had been moved due to the war. Its first product was a voltmeter.[1] Lab W began building microphones in 1946 with the DM1, and began developing them in 1947 with the DM2. By 1955, the company had 250 employees, and had begun production of many products including but not limited to: geophysical equipment, the Noise-Compensated microphone (DM4), microphone transformers, mixers, and miniature magnetic headphones. Labor W was renamed ‘Sennheiser electronic’ in 1958.[citation needed]

In 1968, Sennheiser released the world’s first open headphones.[4] The introduction of open headphones affected the headphone market as they were able to produce a more natural sound that many users preferred.[5]

Sennheiser was transformed into a limited partnership (KG) in 1973. In 1980, the company entered the aviation market, supplying Lufthansa with headsets.[6][7]

The company began producing modern wireless microphones in 1982, the same year when founder Fritz Sennheiser handed the management of the company over to his son, Jörg Sennheiser. In 1987, Sennheiser was awarded at the 59th Academy Awards for its MKH 816 shotgun microphone.

Also in 1991, Georg Neumann GmbH, Berlin, which builds studio microphones, became a part of Sennheiser.[8][9]

In 1996, Sennheiser received an Emmy Award for its advancements in RF wireless technology.[10] Also in 1996, Sennheiser became a private limited company (GmbH and Co. KG). Since then, Sennheiser has maintained its tradition of high quality audio technology, and still maintains those high standards today. Professor Dr. Fritz Sennheiser died in 2010.

On July 1, 2013, Daniel Sennheiser and Andreas Sennheiser were promoted to the position of CEO responsible for Sennheiser electronic GmbH & Co. KG.[11]

In October 2013, Sennheiser received the prestigious Philo T. Farnsworth Award at the 65th Primetime Emmy®Engineering Awards in Hollywood.[12] In May 2014, Sennheiser founded a new competence center for innovative streaming solutions, Sennheiser Streaming Technology GmbH (SST).

Sennheiser is headquartered in the municipality of Wedemark, Germany (near Hannover).

Jon’s archive




HammondCast 202 The Jon Hammond Show audio from Jon Hammond’s radio program special retrospective with audio from a recording he made while on the house band led by Lou Colombo at The Wychmere Harbor Club in Harwich Port Cape Cod MA in 1978. Jon made the recording with his Nakamichi 550 tape deck, it is a remarkable recording of the Lou Colombo Band which played nightly for luminaries such as Speaker of The House Tip O’Neill for all his private parties and the Kennedy Clan.

Visuals from Jon Hammond Show long-running cable access TV program in New York City personally shot by Mr. Hammond with Video by LORI special graphics and FX. Kick back and enjoy!
For full audio of HammondCast 202:
HammondCast 202 KYOU Radio special edition with part 2 of recording from Wychmere Harbor Club when Jon played B3 organ on the Lou Colombo Band, the house band at Wychmere Harbor Club in Harwich Port Cape Cod MA. First backing up a feature dance duo with cha cha and then Emily waltz, Saturday Night Fever followed by the chaser ‘California Here I Come’, then Summertime, Hello Dolly medley, Bossa nova medley Watch What Happens in to Wave and then a cooking “In The Mood” taking it home with Jon’s “Lydia’s Tune” and some of Sidewinder – ©JH INTL

Jon Hammond Show, Lou Colombo, Wychmere Harbor Club, B3 organ, Tip O’neill, Kennedy clan, cape cod, private club

Run time 14 minutes 58 seconds
Producer Jon Hammond
Audio/Visual sound

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by Jon Hammond

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Topics Jon Hammond Show, Lou Colombo, Wychmere Harbor Club, B3 organ, Tip O’neill, Kennedy clan, cape cod, private club

Folks, something told me I had better get on down to see my main man Lou Colombo last week

in Fort Myers FL, I played on Lou’s band for 2.5 years in Cape Cod at the Wychmere Harbor Club

and Thompson’s Clam Bar in Harwich Port MA. It was an important time of my life and career and

he was always very generous to me, kept me on my toes throwing tunes at me in all keys the music

never stopped once we hit.

I just saw Lou a few days ago in Fort Myers FL at the gig he was playing at his Daughter Sherri’s restaurant

and hub Marc Neeley – Roadhouse Cafe, he was at the top of his game, playing great as ever and looking like a

million dollars. I am deeply saddened to receive terrible tragic news this morning from Lou’s fine trombonist

Nelson E. Foucht that Lou was tragically killed last night just 4 blocks from Roadhouse Cafe coming home from the

gig. My deepest condolences to the Colombo Family, Lou’s Wife Noel, daughters Lori, Sherri, David all his 6 kids, extended

Family of friends and musicians. I am totally blown away, thankful that I had the opportunity to know him and play with

him nightly back in the 70’s and then to see and hear him again at the end of his life, thanks Lou!

Here are some photos from just a few days taken by my long-time great girlfriend Jennifer and myself at his gig,

R.I.P. Big Lou – Louis Colombo the greatest trumpet player bandleader baseball slugger and golfer ever!

I used to go with Lou to the golf course where he had the snack concession in Yarmouth just to watch him drive

balls in to outer space. I couldn’t believe how far and hard he could hit the ball. Lou would put on black

executioner gloves and hit the ball and it would disappear, just keep on sailing in to the sky like Lou’s spirit

must be now. His music and great memories will live on forever.


Jon Hammond – Member AFM Local 802 and Local 6 Musicians Union

*Note: Lou’s band the other night at Roadhouse Cafe were so great, I’m so sorry cats:

Nelson Foucht on trombone, F.L. “Woody” Brubaker piano and keyboard bass, Richard Iannuzzi drums and Gil DiBenedetto tenor saxophone and clarinet.

Jon Hammond and Lou Colombo

**Note: Lou Colombo and my neighbor Leo Ball (R.I.P.) also a fine trumpet player member of Local 802 were born on the same day in Brockton MA

*Note: Lou called me on my cell phone when I was at the airport just about to fly out of Tampa TPA Airport, he told me he really dug

my album that I had given him “NDR SESSIONS Projekt” my first record of mostly standards, it was inspired much by him actually. Lou

was talking about the horn players on it, Lutz Buechner and Joe “Jo” Gallardo, he really dug them and he told me we were going to do

something back up in the Cape for sure. I was very touched by his call and he had called me on my previous birthday last year, I got

all choked up when he told me that. Thanks a million Lou!

Jon Hammond

Lou Colombo and Jon Hammond – 02/23/2012

1978 Photo of Lou Colombo Band with Jon Hammond on B3 organ House Band at private club Wychmere Harbor Club in Harwich Port Cape Cod MA
L to R: Frank Shea drums, Lou Colombo trumpet, Jack Pena guitar, Jon Hammond B3 organ

Jon Hammond Funk Unit – some Bad Hombres folks!

Bad Hombres, Jon Hammond, Funk Unit, #FunkyJazz #cantwaitforSNL #HammondOrgan #NAMMShow #Musikmesse

Behind The Beat LATE RENT Jon @HammondCast courtesy of Steven @srose14 Funky Jazz #suchanastywoman #badhombres Sonny Stitt @bernardpurdie

October 20, 2016

HammondCast MEDIA Behind The Beat LATE RENT Jon @HammondCast courtesy of Steven @srose14 Funky Jazz #suchanastywoman #badhombres Sonny Stitt @bernardpurdie

Jon Hammond ‏@HammondCast 23m23 minutes ago

WALL OF LESLIE SPEAKER SOUND 2215 HIGH POWER 3300 WOOD #suchanastywoman #hammondorgan Suzuki Musical Instrument Jon @HammondCast Koei Tanaka

#WATCHMOVIE HERE: Cooking IN The Jazzkeller Hofheim

Jon’s archive




Jon Hammond cooks up some nice white spargel!

Dinner with very special friends at Chan Mei Leng’s Selera Malaysian Restaurant Frankfurt!
Jennifer Schiele & Michael Falkenstein with their baby daughter Leslie sleeping (unseen), Joe Berger, Bert Gerecht and Hot Wire Bass Team,
Jon Hammond

Jon Hammond Band in Jazzkeller Hofheim musikmesse-Session

WALL OF LESLIE SPEAKER SOUND 2215 HIGH POWER 3300 WOOD VERSION 3300w Keyboard Products Super Leslie Jon Hammond

3 x 2215 Leslie’s with Hammond Sk1 Organ – Jon Hammond:

My 1959 Hammond B3 organ with custom built Super Leslie Speaker by the late great Bill Beer of Keyboard Products – just to the right of the Leslie box & flight case is my well-traveled original Hammond XB-2 in the ‘weekend warrior case’, it was not lightweight and not designed for heavy travel – but with the help of lots of gaffer tape and stickers I went around the world with that organ numerous times – can’t beat the mighty B3, but it won’t fit in a taxi cab don’t ya’ know! – Jon Hammond *Note: It was a LONG weekend for the Weekend Warrior Case folks!:

Very Special Concert in Suzuki Hall, First Time Koei Tanaka Harmonica In Duo with Jon Hammond B3mk2 Organ and High Power Leslie model 3300W

and W stands for Wood! – Jon Hammond

Jon Hammond at the Hammond Organ with Manji Suzuki President Founder of Suzuki Musical Instruments Corp. LTD in Hamamatsu Japan

Jon’s archive

Suzuki Headquarters and factory concert special for President Founder Manji Suzuki with introduction by Waichiro ‘Tachi’ Tachikawa, Jon Hammond at the new B3mk2 organ with Koei Tanaka chromatic harmonica


Special Thanks Mr. H. Ono, Mr. M. Terada, Mr. S. Ohtaka, Mr. Y. Beniya, Tachi Tachikawa, President M. Suzuki and entire Suzuki Musical Instruments Team

Suzuki Musical Instruments, B3mk2 Organ, Tachi Tachikawa, Hamamatsu, Headquarters, Jon Hammond, Local 802 Musicians Union

Jon Hammond at the Hammond Organ – WALL OF LESLIE POWER and Stacked 122’s with B3 Organ

Behind The Beat, Late Rent, Jon Hammond, Funky Jazz, #LateRent #suchanastywoman #badhombres #HammondOrgan

WALL OF LESLIE SPEAKER SOUND 2215 HIGH POWER 3300 WOOD VERSION 3300w Keyboard Products Super Leslie Jon Hammond

October 20, 2016

WALL OF LESLIE SPEAKER SOUND 2215 HIGH POWER 3300 WOOD VERSION 3300w Keyboard Products Super Leslie Jon Hammond

3 x 2215 Leslie’s with Hammond Sk1 Organ – Jon Hammond:

My 1959 Hammond B3 organ with custom built Super Leslie Speaker by the late great Bill Beer of Keyboard Products – just to the right of the Leslie box & flight case is my well-traveled original Hammond XB-2 in the ‘weekend warrior case’, it was not lightweight and not designed for heavy travel – but with the help of lots of gaffer tape and stickers I went around the world with that organ numerous times – can’t beat the mighty B3, but it won’t fit in a taxi cab don’t ya’ know! – Jon Hammond *Note: It was a LONG weekend for the Weekend Warrior Case folks!:

Very Special Concert in Suzuki Hall, First Time Koei Tanaka Harmonica In Duo with Jon Hammond B3mk2 Organ and High Power Leslie model 3300W

and W stands for Wood! – Jon Hammond

#WATCHMOVIE HERE: WALL OF LESLIE SPEAKER SOUND 2215 HIGH POWER 3300 WOOD VERSION 3300w Keyboard Products Super Leslie Jon Hammond

Jon Hammond at the Hammond Organ with Manji Suzuki President Founder of Suzuki Musical Instruments Corp. LTD in Hamamatsu Japan

Jon’s archive

Suzuki Headquarters and factory concert special for President Founder Manji Suzuki with introduction by Waichiro ‘Tachi’ Tachikawa, Jon Hammond at the new B3mk2 organ with Koei Tanaka chromatic harmonica


Special Thanks Mr. H. Ono, Mr. M. Terada, Mr. S. Ohtaka, Mr. Y. Beniya, Tachi Tachikawa, President M. Suzuki and entire Suzuki Musical Instruments Team

Suzuki Musical Instruments, B3mk2 Organ, Tachi Tachikawa, Hamamatsu, Headquarters, Jon Hammond, Local 802 Musicians Union

Jon Hammond at the Hammond Organ – WALL OF LESLIE POWER and Stacked 122’s with B3 Organ

Wall of Sound, Leslie 2215, #LeslieSpeaker #HighPower #Hamamatsu #Suzuki #HammondOrgan #Musikmesse #NAMMShow

Cooking IN The Jazzkeller Hofheim

October 20, 2016

#WATCHMOVIE HERE: Cooking IN The Jazzkeller Hofheim

Jon’s archive




Jon Hammond cooks up some nice white spargel!

Dinner with very special friends at Chan Mei Leng’s Selera Malaysian Restaurant Frankfurt!
Jennifer Schiele & Michael Falkenstein with their baby daughter Leslie sleeping (unseen), Joe Berger, Bert Gerecht and Hot Wire Bass Team,
Jon Hammond

Jon Hammond Band in Jazzkeller Hofheim musikmesse-Session

Joe Berger!

Jon Hammond at the organ!

Jon Hammond Band 20th consecutive year Cooking at Jazzkeller Hofheim – Jon Hammond’s musikmesse-Session with Giovanni Totò Gulino, Peter Klohmann, Joe Berger, Jon Hammond at the Sk1 Hammond organ – Jon’s keyboard stand by
Bespeco Professional, Audio: Philipp, Konrad Neupert, Marvin Gans Jazzkeller Hofheim Team – special thanks Jeff Guilford / JJ Guitars for operating the camera

Cooking, Kartoffel, Jazzkeller Hofheim, Musikmesse Session, Fast Shuffle, Blues, Jazz, #HammondOrgan
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Producer Jon Hammond
Language English

Jon Hammond’s Sennheiser evolution microphone Monophonic Recorder combo Headphone HD 25-1 Classic and Song

Jon Hammond: Back to Mono with Sennheiser combo TASCAM product DR-10X Plug-on Micro Linear PCM Recorder for XLR Connection (flipped over):
Monophonic High fidelity Folks! True Hi-fi

Jon Hammond playing his 1968 Gibson Byrdland – owned since 18 years old

Front and Back Jon Hammond’s 1968 Gibson Byrdland

Jon Hammond interviewing the great Roy Clark with Sennheiser evolution e855 microphone – Roy is a long-time Gibson Byrdland virtuoso!

Jon Hammond 1965 Fender Bandmaster Blackface on the bench

Jon’s Bandmaster Fender Head paired with Bag End 15″ coaxial speaker bottom

Jon Hammond flanked by Sennheiser co-CEO’s Dr. Andreas Sennheiser and Daniel Sennheiser

Jon’s archive

Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0
Topics #HammondOrgan #Musikmesse2015 #Hofheim #Jazz #Blues #ThemeSong Jon Hammond #ASCAPExpo Composer

Jon Hammond Theme Song “LATE RENT”
musikmessesession Jazzkeller Hofheim
Peter Klohmann ts
Giovanni Totó Gulino d
Joe Berger g
Jon Hammond o
©JON HAMMOND International ASCAP

Producer Jon Hammond
Language English

Jon Hammond Band Facebook


CNN iReport

Jon’s archive

Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0

NAMM Show, Late Rent, Theme Song, Jon Hammond Band, B3 Organ, Hammond Organ Company, Suzuki Musical Instruments, JON HAMMOND International, ASCAP Composer, Jon Hammond Show, Cable Access

Jon Hammond Band very special performance on first ever Hammond night in Hilton Hotel Lobby Winter NAMM Show “Sound Soul Summit”
Jon Hammond Show theme song “Late Rent” with Donny Baldwin drums (from Jefferson Starship & Lydia Pense & Cold Blood), Alex Budman tenor saxophone, Joe Berger guitar, Jon Hammond New B-3 Portable organ Sound mix by Denny Mack The NAMM Show spcl. thanks Hammond Suzuki Musical Instruments, Photos by Lawrence Gay

Alex Budman ts
Joe Berger g
Donny Baldwin d
Jon Hammond o

Jon’s archive


Full High Def Youtube

“Head Phone” Composed by Jon Hammond ©JON HAMMOND International ASCAP – from Jon Hammond’s album “Late Rent” Ham-Berger-Friz Records

“Head Phone” – Jon Hammond Band THE SOUND SOUL SUMMIT All-Star Jam Video Movie of Jon’s Band Featuring Bernard “Pretty” Purdie, Alex Budman, Joe Berger, Koei Tanaka, Jon Hammond Organ Group — also with appearances by Stephen Fortner, Scott May, Joe Berger, Koei Tanaka and Jon Hammond at NAMM Anaheim Convention Center Hilton Anaheim Lobby Special Program on 80th Anniversary of Hammond Organ USA – Front of House / FOH Mix by Brian English – Denny Mack Audio – announcement – Stephen Fortner – Editor Keyboard Magazine Jon Hammond Organ Group *Note: “Head Phone” composed by Jon Hammond ©JON HAMMOND Intl. ASCAP recorded with Bernard Purdie originally on Jon’s album Late Rent in year of 1989 – Big Special Thanks to Jay Dittamo for standin’ in the cuff for Bernard, thanks Jay! special thanks to Scott May and Gregg Gregory Gronowski – Hammond Suzuki Musical Instruments Team Mr. M. Terada, Shuji Suzuki, Yu Beniya, Shigeyuki Ohtaka, Jeff Guilford JJ Guitars UK — with Joe Berger, Alex Budman, Stephen Fortner, Jay Dittamo, Bernard Purdie, Denny Mack and Koei Tanaka at Hilton Anaheim

Bandstand photograph of Bernard Purdie by Jon Hammond just before hitting ©JON HAMMOND International

©Copyright Notice: These Photos of Jon Hammond Band are copyrighted and embedded with i.d. information – Photographer Lawrence Gay and Jon Hammond Band must be credited and linked back if shared or used or you will certainly hear from us – enjoy, from The Winter NAMM Show

Joe Berger in the string section at Jazzkeller Hofheim and Jon Hammond at the Sk1 Hammond Organ, Jon’s annual musikmesse-Session

Jazzkeller Hofheim, Musikmesse Session, Cooking with Jon, #Musikmesse #NAMMShow #Hofheim #HammondOrgan

Funk Feature LUTZ BÜCHNER Greatly Missed, Here In Landhaus Walter Donwtown Bluesclub Jon Hammond Band

October 18, 2016

#WATCHMOVIE HERE: Funk Feature LUTZ BÜCHNER Greatly Missed, Here In Landhaus Walter Donwtown Bluesclub Jon Hammond Band

“Thing in C minor” by Jon Hammond with Funky Heinz Lichius drums, Lutz Büchner tenor sax, Joe Berger guitar, Jon Hammond organ + bass



L to R Lutz Büchner, Joe Berger, Heinz Lichius, Jon Hammond


Jon Hammond is one of the premier B3 PLAYERS in the world. Jon has played professionally since age 12. Beginning as a solo accordionist, he later played Hammond B3 organ in a number of important San Francisco bands. His all original group HADES opened shows for Tower of Power, Quicksilver Messenger Service and Michael Bloomfield. Moving East he attended Berklee College of Music and played venues as diverse as Boston’s “Combat Zone” in the striptease clubs during the ’70’s and the exclusive Wychmere Harbor Club in Cape Cod, where he was house organist and developed a lasting friendship with House Speaker Tip O’Neill . He also toured the Northeast and Canada with the successful show revue “Easy Living”, and continued his appearances at nightclubs in Boston and New York. Subsequently Hammond lived and traveled in Europe, where he has an enthusiastic following.

Jon Hammond : Hammond Orgel /Bass
Joe Berger (ex John Entwistle/The Who): Guitar
Heinz Lichius: Drums
Lutz Büchner: Saxofon

Jon’s archive




Usage Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0
Topics baggage, blues, hammond organ, shuffle, jon hammond, lufthansa, ndr horns, projekt, sessions, travel, musician, ascap composer, musicians union, local 802

Jon Hammond flies with Gator Cases and Briggs & Riley – floats and flies!

Hammond Band special dedication to Lufthansa and NDR “No X-Cess Baggage
Blues” live performance of track from NDR SESSIONS Projekt album
featuring the NDR Horns: Michael Leuschner trumpet, Lutz Büchner tenor
saxophone, Fiete Felsch alto saxophone, Heinz Lichius drums, Joe Berger
guitar, Jon Hammond organ + bass – concert in Auster Bar Auster Jazz
Series – special thanks Nicolai Ditsch for operating
the camera – the incredible NDR Musicians and Knut Benzner & Jazz
Redaktion Team, Lufthansa Technik Hamburg, Apple iTunes
Ham-Berger-Friz Records ©JH INTL ASCAP – Filmed in High Definition Live
at Auster Bar Hamburg Eimsbüttel courtesy of Frank Blume & Torsten
Wendt Auster Bar Team

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Challah Hat lady with Sheila Anderson WBGO!

L to R Richard Clements piano, Mike Camoia tenor, Jon Hammond organ, Bob Cunningham bass – early birds session Local 802 NYC

Fits in this Gig Bag! – Jon Hammond

Jon’s archive

Mourning Lutz Büchner – Trauer um Lutz Büchner

Jon’s archive

Thoughts about Lutz from Jon Hammond LINK:

Saturday, March 12, 2016: Folks, I am really in shock from hearing news of the unexpected and very sad death of my good friend Lutz Büchner! I really didn’t want to say it on the internet after receiving the horrible news in communications with our mutual good friend and fellow musician / bandmate Heinz Lichius. This is so hard to get my head around and accept it but I know it’s true that Lutz suffered a fatal heart attack while on tour in Tokyo Japan with his beloved NDR-bigband with Peter Erskine on the band – I can see Lutz’ smile and hear his voice and music in my mind like it was yesterday – and we spoke and played together so many times. So now I see the news releases are already out on the news FEEDS from the NDR, Hamburger Abendblatt etc. and a few too-early mentions on the Facebook, so I know it’s time to write a few words for those of you who might not know of Lutz Büchner, as follows: As Joe Gallardo the great trombonist and long-time colleague of Lutz’ said in email to me last night: “As you well know, Lutz was first of all a great human being and secondly, he was a masterful player. Lutz was my brother. We will all miss him.” – The very first time I met Lutz was in 1995 on a rainy night in Hamburg Eimsbüttel at the Thursday night weekly jazz session in Jazzclub Birdland – I had heard him the week before and pushed my Hammond organ on the wheels through the rain to the club and got there real early, Hr. Reichert the owner opened up the club and I was telling Mr. Reichert I came the week before but didn’t get to play so “early bird gets the worm…and maybe I’ll get to play with Lutz Büchner!” – well we did it and by good luck my friend Joris Dudli the great drummer was there – it was magic from the first hit. That’s where it started, I was living in Hamburg to play music and write tunes – like so many musicians following in the footsteps of The Beatles, by invitation of my sponsor Knut Benzner journalist moderator on the NDR. From then on together with main man Heinz Lichius drums who I had met just before when Heinz came over to meet me one afternoon – Heinz had recommended to check out Lutz, one of the finest rising musicians on the Hamburg scene. We had a lot of great times together on the bandstand and off from that time on – we played in Hamburg and his hometown of Bremen – turned out to be that Lutz was a real life jazz angel who saved my life at least twice, one time involving bringing me to the hospital / krankenhaus and translating to me what they were about to do to me – we escaped out the side door and the doctor came to our gig that night! I met Lutz’ Mom and Dad beautiful people when they came to hear us play in Bremen at Studio club April 7, 1998 – and most recently our last gigs together with my favorite musicians Michael Leuschner, (Heinz Lichius of course) “Fiete” Ernst-Friedrich Fiete Felsch NDR horn section brothers along with Joe Berger guitar, probably best gig of my life – Lutz was so happy to have found his love with his wife Bettina and he was always crazy about his son Asmus and his step daughters by Bettina, the happiest I have ever seen him, he glowed in the dark he had that much joy! — Back in 2005 I had an idea, I said to my long-time girlfriend Jennifer: Lutz is one of the greatest saxophonists I ever heard, I want to feature him on a CD release, he could be making a great record every day! I couldn’t believe that he didn’t have any feature albums out at that point – so I discussed it with Knut Benzner and we all co-produced a recording session for this purpose in the famous Studio 1 at NDR, the NDR SESSIONS Projekt was born, with the addition of “Joe G” / Joe Gallardo on trombone and Heinz Lichius and myself, Rudolf Grosser at the controls big SSL console, we started playing in the morning and I played through the magic bass amp belonging to Lucas Lindholm – the boys took one long coffee break and other than that we recorded tunes all day long – I am so grateful that I’ll always have this recording date together with Lutz, of course later on Lutz came out with more records – but this one for me is my special keepsake that went down with the blessings of NDR with the help of Knut Benzner and Axel Dürr. So many stories I can tell you, but most importantly everybody loved Lutz, I know there are a lot of tears flowing now around Hamburg and Bremen, my heart goes out to Lutz’ Family, Friends and Musicians music brothers and sisters! The 2nd to the last time we played together, I hadn’t seen Lutz for a while and he told me about a real miracle of survival when he was driving on the autobahn with Bettina and the kinder all his happy Family in the car, I think there was ice on the road – a car slammed in to the back of his car demolishing the car, but Lutz’ horns were in the trunk – they all got crushed but it saved his Family! They were all shaken up but OK – the lucky star was shining over them, and even though Lutz is not with us physically anymore, his lucky star will always be shining – he was competely dedicated to the NDR-bigband family of musicians and his own Family – always a huge inspiration to me as a person and master musician, rest in peace my very special good friend Lutz Büchner – my deepest and most sincere condolences go out to Lutz’ Mom and Dad and Bettina and his son Asmus and step children by Bettina – all the folks who know and love Lutz, sincerely, Jon Hammond

Jon’s archive




Youtube Jon Hammond Band XK5 Organ Debut introduction by “Gregg” Gregory Gronowski


Full High Definition Film:
Jon Hammond Band at XK-5 Organ Debut with Introduction by “Gregg” Gregory Gronowski the late great Marketing and Sales Genius for Hammond Suzuki USA –
*Note: Very very sadly soon after this piece was filmed in Nashville Gregg Gregory Gronowski passed away suddenly on August 19th of 2016 – Remembering Gregg Grownoski folks, R.I.P. Gregg! – Jon Hammond –
Hammond Organ USA Party SoundCheck Nashville: Kayleigh Moyer drums, Chuggy Carter congas percussion, Joe Berger guitar, Jon Hammond at the new XK-5 organ – Summer NAMM 2016 fifth Sound Soul Summit Hammond Organ USA co-sponsored by Keyboard magazine and Soundcheck LLC, Nashville – Event: “the first public showing of Hammond’s new XK5 organ and Heritage Series expanded systems, which represent the cutting edge of technology applied to recreating the precise touch, feel, and sound of the classic Hammond B-3. #NAMMShow #SummerNAMM #HammondOrgan

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Topics Video by Lori, Late Rent (Music), Jon Hammond Show, MNN TV, #HammondOrgan ASCAP Composer, Musicians Union, Local 802, Local 6, Public Access TV, 32nd year

Yes that’s Andy Warhol on The Jon Hammond Show folks! #AndyWarhol

Jon Hammond Show Preview 06/13 MNN TV Ch 1 – Original Music, Travel and Soft News – beginning with Jon Hammond classic theme song Late Rent with video by Lori *Note: Every frame is heavily embedded with i.d. information and copyright protected ©JON HAMMOND International – next Bernard Purdie plays Jon Hammond’s original Pocket Funk with Jon Hammond Band with Koei Tanaka harmonica, Joe Berger guitar, Alex Budman tenor, Bernard Purdie drums, Jon Hammond at the Sk1 Hammond organ onstage at NAMM Anaheim CA. Next Hoodman and then Scott Cooper flies in vintage NAB movie production. Next Jon Hammond’s composition Lydia’s Tune played in Hamburg Germany with the NDR Horns – Michael Leuschner trumpet, Fiete Felsch alto, Lutz Büchner tenor, Heinz Lichius drums, Joe Berger guitar, Jon Hammond organ and covering bass. Outtake to Jon’s theme song Late Rent with images of Jon Hammond Show moments, now in 32nd year on New York Cable every Friday night late (Sat. morning) 1:30AM on MNN TV Channel 1

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Producer Jon Hammond
Language English

New York NY — Joe Berger doing an Apple Logic Pro X – Apple Tutorial at The Beacon School –

Hmm…I don’t know what happened to Mark Via, Joe Berger and I came and played a session with his kids at The Beacon School and never heard back again from him. I hope he’s OK – maybe I should check with Richard Carter and see if any signs of life around Fifth Ave. pehaps? – Jon Hammond — with Mark Via, Khaya Lee, Joe Berger and The Beacon School at The Beacon School.

Jon’s archive




Usage Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0
Topics MNN TV, #ASCAPEXPO, Jon Hammond, Public Access, Melody, Hammond Organ, Sk1, B3, Accordion, Musicians Union, Local 6, Local 802

Jon Hammond with ASCAP’s Seth Saltzman – Protect Your Music! – ASCAP I Create Music Expo Hollywood CA

Jon Hammond in concert Behind the Beat with Landesjugendjazzorchester Mecklenburg-Vorpommern in Zeughaus Wismar

Hillary took the Trump Chump to the Shed last night! No doubt about it:

Jon Hammond television interview with the great Roy Clark in Nashville!

Jon Hammond: Late Rent
by Steve Rosenfeld
Jon Hammond says “the fingers are the singers.’” The latest CD from this exceptional and soulful Hammond organist is the proof. “Late Rent” draws on decades of great recording sessions and top live performances to showcase his own playing and many top jazz and funk artists. It shows why the Hammond organ is one of the most enduring electric instruments and why Hammond is one of its best players.
Late Rent
Label: Ham-Berger-Friz Records
Genre: Jazz
All Jon Hammond profiles…
The Late Rent Story
Jon Hammond waited half his life to make this CD – starting with being an underground TV host.
Swingin’ Funky Jazz & Blues
Jon Hammond describes his style of music and how he learned to play it.
Two Hot Tracks
Jon Hammond recalls one of his first songs – from age 15 – and a great Sunday session.
Sonny’s Advice
A little advice on melody from a great sax player went a long way.

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Producer Jon Hammond
Audio/Visual sound, color
Language English

Jon’s archive




Usage Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0
Jazzkeller, Frankfurt, Musikmesse, Warm Up Party, Hammond Organ, Jon Hammond Band, Jazz, Blues

Note from Jon Hammond
Video: Tino Pavlis​
Best Party of The Year! Jon Hammond’s annual musikmesse​ Warm Up Party in Jazzkeller​ Tuesday April 5th 2016 celebrating 30 years
Jon Hammond​ – organ Joe Berger​ – guitar Peter Klohmann​ – saxophone Giovanni Totò Gulino​ – drums Mr. Hammond has toured worldwide since 1991 using the incredible Sk1 organ by Hammond Suzuki..™ “Classic Hammond Sound…In A Suitcase!” The Jon Hammond Show is a funky swinging instrumental revue, featuring top international soloists. The show has universal appeal. Big Hammond orgel sound – 100% organic – Jon’s birthday cake by Saray Pastanesi​ Jon Hammond Band​

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Producer Jon Hammond
Language English

Bringing Back Sony Tape Recorder Audio Transfer Project Jon Hammond rock band Hades 1971 recordings Archive at CHRS

Radio Clinic at California Historical Radio Society, Elmo disassembles Jon Hammond’s TC-366 tape deck on the bench from Kozo Ohsone Sony Tape Recorder

Division to play back 40 year old archive recording Berkeley El Cerrito based band HADES recorded live at Provo Park in Berkeley and at rehearsal garage

on Carlson Blvd. Richmond recorded on a TC-366 sound on sound reel to reel tape deck, here is the machine on the bench with Elmo:

Elmo discussing remedy for glazed pinch roller with radio engineer Art Lieberman:

AMPEX 354 Tape Deck in KRE dubbing studio:

CHRS President Steve Kushman at the GATES Audio Board transferring from Analog to Digital:

Sony TC-366 project machine:

Jon Hammond with Joe Lamond President CEO of NAMM

Jon Hammond onstage at Landhaus Walter Downtown Bluesclub

Funk Feature, Lutz Büchner, Greatly Missed, #TenorSax #Downtown #BluesClub #HammondOrgan #Headphone

Cruising With Jon Hammond Shooting The Bridges

October 17, 2016

#WATCHMOVIE HERE: Cruising With Jon Hammond Shooting The Bridges

Jon’s archive



Facebook video

Marin County Line on the Golden Gate Bridge Northbound lane from San Francisco

Very popular to walk across the Golden Gate Bridge!

Robin Williams Bridge Rainbow Entrance!

Richmond Bridge and 101 North Split at Larkspur Landing

It’s raining finally! – Lower Deck Richmond Bridge aka Richmond San Rafael Bridge –

Shooting The Bridges with Jon Hammond to HammondCast Show on the radio http://www.HammondCast #GoldenGateBridge #RichmondSanRafael #Radio #JonHammond #HammondOrgan
Music Travel Soft News *Note: Finally some rain in San Francisco Bay Area! Enjoy the music and the view – Jon Hammond

Lawrence Fredson 2 of the 3 giant bridges that make up the Bay Area, San Francisco – Marin County / Golden Gate Bridge -and Richmond Bridge

Dashcam, San Francisco Bay Area, Radio broadcasting, Rain, Hammond organ, Blues music, Jazz music, Golden Gate Bridge

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Producer Jon Hammond
Language English

Jon’s archive




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Topics Moscow Concerts, #JonHammond #IgorButman #HammondOrgan #Lydia #BossaNova #ASCAP

Moscow Russia — “Lydia’s Tune” by Jon Hammond – Jon Hammond Trio: Eduard Zizak​ drums, Igor Butman tenor saxophone, Jon Hammond​ organ ©JON HAMMOND International
– Member ASCAP, AFM Local 6, Associated Musicians of Greater New York, Local 802 AFM

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Producer Jon Hammond
Language English

Jon’s archive




HammondCast 202 The Jon Hammond Show audio from Jon Hammond’s radio program special retrospective with audio from a recording he made while on the house band led by Lou Colombo at The Wychmere Harbor Club in Harwich Port Cape Cod MA in 1978. Jon made the recording with his Nakamichi 550 tape deck, it is a remarkable recording of the Lou Colombo Band which played nightly for luminaries such as Speaker of The House Tip O’Neill for all his private parties and the Kennedy Clan.

Visuals from Jon Hammond Show long-running cable access TV program in New York City personally shot by Mr. Hammond with Video by LORI special graphics and FX. Kick back and enjoy!
For full audio of HammondCast 202:
HammondCast 202 KYOU Radio special edition with part 2 of recording from Wychmere Harbor Club when Jon played B3 organ on the Lou Colombo Band, the house band at Wychmere Harbor Club in Harwich Port Cape Cod MA. First backing up a feature dance duo with cha cha and then Emily waltz, Saturday Night Fever followed by the chaser ‘California Here I Come’, then Summertime, Hello Dolly medley, Bossa nova medley Watch What Happens in to Wave and then a cooking “In The Mood” taking it home with Jon’s “Lydia’s Tune” and some of Sidewinder – ©JH INTL

Jon Hammond Show, Lou Colombo, Wychmere Harbor Club, B3 organ, Tip O’neill, Kennedy clan, cape cod, private club

Run time 14 minutes 58 seconds
Producer Jon Hammond
Audio/Visual sound

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by Jon Hammond

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Topics Jon Hammond Show, Lou Colombo, Wychmere Harbor Club, B3 organ, Tip O’neill, Kennedy clan, cape cod, private club

Folks, something told me I had better get on down to see my main man Lou Colombo last week

in Fort Myers FL, I played on Lou’s band for 2.5 years in Cape Cod at the Wychmere Harbor Club

and Thompson’s Clam Bar in Harwich Port MA. It was an important time of my life and career and

he was always very generous to me, kept me on my toes throwing tunes at me in all keys the music

never stopped once we hit.

I just saw Lou a few days ago in Fort Myers FL at the gig he was playing at his Daughter Sherri’s restaurant

and hub Marc Neeley – Roadhouse Cafe, he was at the top of his game, playing great as ever and looking like a

million dollars. I am deeply saddened to receive terrible tragic news this morning from Lou’s fine trombonist

Nelson E. Foucht that Lou was tragically killed last night just 4 blocks from Roadhouse Cafe coming home from the

gig. My deepest condolences to the Colombo Family, Lou’s Wife Noel, daughters Lori, Sherri, David all his 6 kids, extended

Family of friends and musicians. I am totally blown away, thankful that I had the opportunity to know him and play with

him nightly back in the 70’s and then to see and hear him again at the end of his life, thanks Lou!

Here are some photos from just a few days taken by my long-time great girlfriend Jennifer and myself at his gig,

R.I.P. Big Lou – Louis Colombo the greatest trumpet player bandleader baseball slugger and golfer ever!

I used to go with Lou to the golf course where he had the snack concession in Yarmouth just to watch him drive

balls in to outer space. I couldn’t believe how far and hard he could hit the ball. Lou would put on black

executioner gloves and hit the ball and it would disappear, just keep on sailing in to the sky like Lou’s spirit

must be now. His music and great memories will live on forever.


Jon Hammond – Member AFM Local 802 and Local 6 Musicians Union

*Note: Lou’s band the other night at Roadhouse Cafe were so great, I’m so sorry cats:

Nelson Foucht on trombone, F.L. “Woody” Brubaker piano and keyboard bass, Richard Iannuzzi drums and Gil DiBenedetto tenor saxophone and clarinet.

Jon Hammond and Lou Colombo

**Note: Lou Colombo and my neighbor Leo Ball (R.I.P.) also a fine trumpet player member of Local 802 were born on the same day in Brockton MA

*Note: Lou called me on my cell phone when I was at the airport just about to fly out of Tampa TPA Airport, he told me he really dug

my album that I had given him “NDR SESSIONS Projekt” my first record of mostly standards, it was inspired much by him actually. Lou

was talking about the horn players on it, Lutz Buechner and Joe “Jo” Gallardo, he really dug them and he told me we were going to do

something back up in the Cape for sure. I was very touched by his call and he had called me on my previous birthday last year, I got

all choked up when he told me that. Thanks a million Lou!

Jon Hammond

Lou Colombo and Jon Hammond – 02/23/2012

1978 Photo of Lou Colombo Band with Jon Hammond on B3 organ House Band at private club Wychmere Harbor Club in Harwich Port Cape Cod MA
L to R: Frank Shea drums, Lou Colombo trumpet, Jack Pena guitar, Jon Hammond B3 organ

Jon’s archive


CNN iReport



Jon Hammond Band Facebook

Frankfurt Bockenheim — Jon Hammond Flashback Gig for Hans Romanov in the Café KLEMM now called Café Crumble Kiesstraße 41 60486 Frankfurt am Main, Germany – Jon Hammond Band featuring some fine tenor saxophone playing by Harry Petersen, Heiko Himmighoffen drums / schlagzeug – Jon Hammond at the organ & bass through a Marshall Amp courtesy of a friend of Hans – special thanks dankeschön Stefan Klemm and Hans Romanov – Jon Hammond Band — with Jon Hammond, Harry Petersen, Heiko Himmighoffen and Hans Romanov at Café Crumble.

Flashback: Jam with Hary Lin & Joe Berger!

Jon Hammond at Frankfurt musikmesse — with Joe Berger and Hary Lin

Jon’s archive


Jon Hammond and Friends drop in to Taipei night spot JAZZ SPOT SWING organ lounge,

Jon at Mr. Nobuki Kuwahara’s Hammond Sk2 organ with house musicians – Kenichi Toyoda piano

– special thanks to Nico, Shannon, Letitia – Superlux Taiwan,

P. Mauriat Europe Pmauriat Albest Team! – Jazz Spot Swing


CNN iReport

Jon Hammond Band Facebook

Jon’s archive

Jon Hammond theme song Late Rent on the occasion of 28th annual musikmesse Warm Up Party in the world famous jazzkeller Frankfurt and Jon’s birthday

with Peter Klohmann tenor saxophone, Giovanni Totò Gulino drums, Joe Berger guitar and Jon Hammond at the Sk1 Hammond organ – Late Rent is the theme song for Jon’s long-running cable TV show in New York City The Jon Hammond Show and HammondCast radio program – special thanks to Frank Poehl for operating the camera – Jon Hammond Band

Jon’s archive

Jon Hammond theme song Late Rent on the occasion of 28th annual musikmesse Warm Up Party in the world famous jazzkeller Frankfurt and Jon’s birthday

with Peter Klohmann tenor saxophone, Giovanni Totò Gulino drums, Joe Berger guitar and Jon Hammond at the Sk1 Hammond organ – Late Rent is the theme song for Jon’s long-running cable TV show in New York City The Jon Hammond Show and HammondCast radio program – special thanks to Frank Poehl for operating the camera – Jon Hammond Band


Dashcam, San Francisco Bay Area, Radio broadcasting, #GoldenGateBridge #RichmondBridge #Dashcam #HammondOrgan

Musik Rotthoff Beatles Bought Guitars Here – In Store Playing from Jon Hammond and Joe Berger

October 16, 2016

#WATCHMOVIE HERE: Musik Rotthoff Beatles Bought Guitars Here – In Store Playing from Jon Hammond and Joe Berger

Jon’s archive




Jon Hammond and Joe Berger In-store performance in the legendary Hamburg music shop ‘Musik Rotthoff’ – world-renowned for having sold The Beatles their most famous guitars and musical equipment and also supplied the equipment for The Star Club, Top Ten Club and still going strong as a supplier of both new and rare vintage instruments, amplification, sound reinforcement, lighting and all accessories – located in St. Pauli Hamburg Germany – Joe Berger is playing Futhark Guitars – Jon Hammond is playing Hammond Sk1 organ made by Suzuki Musical Instruments – special thanks to Hr. Claus-Dieter Rotthoff and his sonMaik Rotthoff – JH — with Jon Hammond, Joe Berger and Maik Rotthoff inSt. Pauli.

The Father Son: Maik Rotthoff and Claus-Dieter Rotthoff – Claus’ father sold Paul McCartney his famous Höfner ‘Beatle Bass’ and other gear for The Beatles – keeping the legacy going in St. Pauli Hamburg! – Jon Hammond

L to R Claus-Dieter Rotthoff, Joe Berger, Jon Hammond – in-store Musik Rotthoff

Musik Rotthoff, Musical Instruments, The Beatles, St. Pauli, Hamburg, Legendary Music Store, Blues, Hammond Organ, In Store, HD 720p

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Producer Jon Hammond
Language English

Jon’s archive




Priceless film inside WNEW 1130AM New York with 2 Radio Legends: Al JAZZBEAUX COLLINS and SCOTT MUNI on JON HAMMOND’S HammondCast: Hear Scott Muni tell Jazzbeaux about his days at “WABeatlesC”

on the date commemorating when the Beatles first hit the shores of USA!
As previously broadcast on Jon’s TV show The Jon Hammond Show (24th year) and HammondCast on CBS’ KYCY/KYOU 1550AM San Francisco California. Enjoy! *Official site: c)2006

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Topics WNEW, Jazzbeaux, Scott Muni, HammondCast, BEATLES, WABeatlesC
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Producer Jon Hammond

Scott Muni wiki

Scott Muni (May 10, 1930 – September 28, 2004, aged 74) was an American disc jockey, who worked at the heyday of the AM Top 40 format and then was a pioneer of FM progressive rock radio. Rolling Stone magazine termed him “legendary”
Born Donald Allen Muñoz in Wichita, Kansas, Muni grew up in New Orleans. He joined the United States Marine Corps and began broadcasting there in 1950, reading “Dear John” letters over Radio Guam. After leaving the Corps and having considered acting as a career, he began working as a disc jockey; in 1953 he began working at WSMB in New Orleans. His mentor was Marshall Pearce. In 1955 he began broadcasting at station WAKR in Akron, Ohio, and after that worked in Kankakee, Illinois.




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Topics Meckelnburg Vorpommern, Landesjugendjazzorchester, NDR Archive, Big Band, Michael Leuschner, Heinz Lichius, Camera, Zeughaus Wismar, Landesmusikrat, Jon Hammond, #HammondOrgan #Jazz #Wismar

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Organ Meets Bigband in The Zeughaus Wismar – Camera: Heinz Lichius Am 30.07.2015 ist das Landesjugendjazzorchester Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (LaJazzO MV) mit seinem diesjährigen Solisten Jon Hammond in der Hansestadt Wismar zu Gast.
Nachdem sich in den vergangenen Jahren das LaJazzO MV mit den in der Big Band vorkommenden Instrumenten musikalisch auseinandersetzte, wird in 2015 die Jazzorgel musikalisch thematisiert werden. Unter dem Titel “Organ meets Big Band” wird dieses sehr traditionsreiche Instrument der Jazzgeschichte in den Mittelpunkt der Konzertreihe im folgenden Jahr gestellt. Als Jazzinstrument wurde es von Fats Waller in den 30er Jahren eingeführt und hatte seine Hochzeit in den 50er Jahren durch seine Vertreter wie Jimmy Smith. Der international renommierte New Yorker Jazzorganist Jon Hammond wird zusammen mit dem LaJazzO MV unter der Leitung von Michael Leuschner den besonderen Charme dieses Instrumentes wieder zum Leben erwecken. Im Programm sind unter anderem Titel von Jimmy Smith, arrangiert von Steve Grey – eine Leihgabe aus dem Archiv der NDR-Bigband.

Jon Hammond studierte in den siebziger Jahren am Berklee College of Music und am City College San Francisco. Konzertreisen führten ihn quer durch die Vereinigten Staaten und Kanada. In seiner eigenen ‘Jon Hammond Show’ spielte er mit Musikern wie Dizzy Gillespie, Paul Butterfield, Jaco Pastorius, John Entwistle, Sammy Davis Jr., Percy Sledge und vielen anderen. Auch in Europa fand und findet seine Musik unverändert viele Anhänger. Die Medien berichten wiederholt von einem unverwechselbaren und prägenden Sound. Jon Hammond hat u.a. auf der 20. Frankfurter Musikmesse mitgewirkt und tritt vornehmlich in Hamburg auf. “The Jon Hammond Show” is a funky, swinging Jazz instrumental revue, featuring notable international soloists and reflecting the influences of Miles Davis, The Crusaders and Jimmy Smith.

Programm: “Organ meets Bigband”
Leitung: Michael Leuschner
Donnerstag, d. 30.07.2015, 19:00 Zeughaus Wismar
with Elli Soosz, Jan Rolle, Daniel Be, Leon Saleh, Gabriel Rosenbach, Michael Leuschner, Heinz Lichius, Matthis Rasche, Hörni Thorun, Paul Gramkow, Marie Birkholz, Jan Boge, Ole Si, Elisabeth Guericke, Nane Schüßler, Henning Schiewer, Noah Jens, Oliver Herlitzka, Anne-Katrin Meyer and Al Tobias at Zeughaus Wismar

Producer Jon Hammond
Language German

Jon’s archive

AFM Local 6 Member Jon Hammond


Jon Hammond is a musician, composer, bandleader, publisher, journalist, TV show host, radio DJ, and multi-media entrepreneur. He currently travels the world, playing gigs and attending trade shows.

“Every time I see a musician walking down the street I say, ‘Hey, where’s the gig?’ Because it doesn’t matter what kind of music you play, if you’re carrying an instrument–going to a rehearsal, or coming back from a repair shop, whatever it is–we all need our gigs. And that’s what the union is all about. Hopefully, we can all keep working and be supportive of everybody’s gigs. There’s room for everybody.”

Jon Hammond was born in Chicago in 1953. His father was a doctor and his mother was a housewife. They both played the piano. In 1957, his parents moved Jon and his four sisters to Berkeley, CA, where his father worked in a hospital as head of the emergency room. When he was nine, Jon started accordion lessons. “In those days, they had studios where parents would drop their kids off after school for tap dancing and accordion lessons. There were accordion bands and they would compete against each other.”

Jon played his first gig at a senior citizens luncheon when he was eleven. Not only did he get a free lunch but he was paid $25 –a lot of money in those days. Jon says his father was supportive, but did not want him to pursue a music career. “He told me that music was a great hobby. He got me a wonderful professional accordion for my Bar Mitzvah, directly from John Molinari, one of the greatest accordionists who ever lived. It was a Guilietti Professional Tone Chamber accordion. That’s the accordion I won Jr. Jazz Champion on in 1966.”

In high school, Jon attended a private boys school in San Francisco. He was a class clown, and when it got to the point where he was going to be expelled, Jon took his accordion and ran away from home. He immersed himself in the San Francisco music scene and started playing organ in several bands. By 1971 he was in a four piece rock group called Hades which shared a rehearsal space with Quicksilver Messenger Service. “I was friends with their manager, Ron Polte, who also managed guitarist John Cipollina. We got to open for his band, Copperhead.”

Jon continued to play gigs in the Bay Area in different configurations, including a few gigs with a young Eddie Money. By this time Jon had become frustrated with the Bay Area scene. One night while playing a biker bar he got into a fight and his band didn’t come to his defense. “That was the last straw. I was angry and I said I wasn’t coming back.”

Jon in the early 70s

Jon moved to Boston in 1973 to attend the Berklee School of Music. He also got a gig playing in Boston’s Combat Zone backing up burlesque shows. When Jon saw one of his idols, pianist Keith Jarrett play in New York he told him he was going to Berklee and asked him for advice. “Keith looked me right in the eye and said ‘Berklee can be very dangerous for your music.’ It was like he popped this huge bubble. Years later I came to understand what he was talking about. You have to learn the fundamentals, but the music itself comes from a much deeper place. They can’t teach that, you have to find it yourself.”

When Jon’s teachers began sitting in on his gigs in Boston, he questioned why he was in school if the teachers were coming to play with him. He quit school, moved to Cape Cod and started playing with bandleader Lou Colombo. “He did all the private parties for Tip O’Neill. We played what they used to call the business man’s beat. On the gig it was forbidden to swing. It was like swing cut in half. So if you tried to go with the four, Lou would say, ‘Don’t swing it, don’t swing it.’ He pounded it into my head night after night.”

In 1981 Jon took a trip to Paris where he broke through his writers block and wrote some of his best music. He returned to New York with his new tunes and started a production company with the idea of getting a record deal for a friend that had played on a #1 hit record. After months of pounding the pavement with no results, Jon realized he had better work on his own music before his money ran out. He took the last of his savings, including his upcoming rent money, and went into the studio to record what came to be known as “The Late Rent Sessions”.

The session had Todd Anderson on tenor sax, Barry Finnerty on guitar, Stephen Ferrone on drums, and Jon on B3. They recorded at Intergalactic, the last studio that John Lennon recorded in. Jon had no luck getting a record deal for his new project, but he did get gigs in New York with his band Jon Hammond and the Late Rent Session Men.

Jon Hammond Band Onstage at NAMM, 2014: Joe Berger, Dom Famularo, Alex Budman, Koei Tanaka, Jon Hammond

In 1982, Jon found out about public access television and the idea that anyone could produce a show and get it on TV. He started broadcasting on Manhattan’s public station in 1984. “I decided I was going to produce a radio show on TV. The first episodes showed just my tapping foot and my voice. It was a gimmick. We had graphics that were synchronized to go with the music. It worked out well. People dug it.” Within a few weeks, Jon was interviewed and featured in Billboard Magazine. The Jon Hammond Show was considered an alternative to the clips on Cable TV. “MTV was still in its infancy. We had a concept that was revolutionary. My phone started ringing and we were the hot kids on the block.”

Jon continued to play gigs in New York and produce his TV show. In 1987, he went to his first trade show (NAMM) where he was introduced to Mr. Julio Guilietti, the man who built his accordion. He then began traveling to trade shows and making contacts with musicians and companies around the world, including Hammond Suzuki. “They gave me the Hammond XB-2, the first really powerful portable Hammond organ. Glenn Derringer, one of my all-time heroes, presented it to me. I got one of the first. Paul Shaffer from the Letterman Show got the other. At the time there was only one EXP-100 expression pedal–we had to share the pedal. I used the pedal for my gigs and when Paul needed it I would bring it over to him at 30 Rockefeller Center on my bicycle.”

In the early 90s, when his New York gigs began drying up, Jon was encouraged to go to Germany. “It was a hard time. My father had just died and there were very few gigs. I got the XB-2 organ right when I needed it, so I decided to take a chance. I bought a roundtrip ticket to Frankfurt with an open return. I went with 50 bucks and stayed for a year. When I came back, I had 100 bucks.”

Jon stayed at a friend’s house and played a borrowed accordion on the street until he could get a band together. “I played on the street until my fingers turned blue and would collect enough money to get some fish soup. After about two weeks I got a call—I had put a band together and had 3 gigs coming up. A TV show had heard my story and wanted to do a story on me. At the first gig 19 people came; the second only 15 people came. Then I got the little spot on TV. When I came to the third gig people were lined up down the street. When I walked up I thought they were having an art exhibit. When they said, ‘No, they’re waiting for you.’ I choked up, I couldn’t even talk. So I’ve been playing there every year since. The people in Germany really saved my musical career at a time when very few things were happening for me in New York or San Francisco. I have a really good following in Europe. I keep busy as a musician in the States, playing hospitals and assisted living places, but my band dates I pretty much play overseas.”

Jon’s Late Rent Sessions was eventually released on a German label and received modest airplay. During the 90s he travelled back and forth to Europe, spending a year playing gigs in Paris, and eventually settling in Hamburg. Since then he has released two more albums and has played gigs in Moscow, Shanghai, and Australia. With the help of the internet, Jon is able to produce his TV show anywhere.

In the mid-2000s Jon produced Hammondcast, a radio program for CBS that aired in San Francisco at four in the morning and was rebroadcast before Oakland A’s games. “When the baseball games played in the afternoon, my show would play for about 20 minutes and then it was pre-empted. I had a lot of fun with that.” His guests included Danny Glover, Barry Melton from Country Joe & the Fish, and many local people. “It took me awhile to figure out that I had permission to broadcast anything I wanted. I could play the London Philharmonic or Stevie Wonder. My tag line was ‘Hello, Hello, Hello! Wake up or go back to sleep…’”

Today, Jon continues to visit tradeshows and is determined to keep doing everything he does as long as he can. “I made a pact with my longtime co-producer, guitarist Joe Berger, that we are going to go to these trade shows until we are little old men with canes.”

Jon has released four CDs

For more info visit

Jon’s archive


Jon Hammond Band Facebook

Dankeschön / Thanks for the flowers Musikmesse Team! and all my friends who came out for this very special evening – Jon Hammond
Chocolate on Chocolate Cake at Jon Hammond’s annual musikmesse Warm Up Party in jazzkeller Frankfurt with Jon Hammond Band and special guests for this special occasion celebrating 25 years in Musikmesse. Special acknowledgement of Wilhelm P. “Charly” Hosenseidl R.I.P. who was the Director of musikmesse years 1989-2008 now Directed by Wolfgang Luecke, special thanks to Messe Frankfurt Projekt and Presse Team!
Jon Hammond Band:
Joe Berger guitar
Tony Lakatos tenor saxophone
Giovanni Totò Gulino drums
Jon Hammond – XB-2 Hammond Organ – special thanks Hiromitsu Ono Chief Engineer Suzuki Musical Instruments designed my instrument which took me all around the world many times

“Late Rent” Jon Hammond theme song for Jon Hammond Show MNNTV and HammondCast Show KYOU Radio San Francisco CBS Radio Network
Thanks Joe Lamond President CEO NAMM, TecAmp Jürgen Kunze and Thomas Eich – Puma Combo bass amp powering Jon Hammond’s organ
Dankeschoen to Yücel Atiker, Tino Pavlis, Poehl, Bernie Capicchiano, Michael Falkenstein Hammond Suzuki Deutschland, Peggy Behling, Christine Vogel Messe Frankfurt,
Saray Pastanesı Baeckerei & Konditorei for Chocolate on Chocolate
25 Years Musikmesse Celebration Cake – Mainzer Landstrasse 131, 60327 Frankfurt am Main, Eugen Hahn Jazzkeller Frankfurt Team Kleine Bockenheimerstr. 18a Frankfurt

Journal Frankfurt Article by Detlef Kinsler, LINK:

Musik Rotthoff, Beatles Bought Guitars, In Store Performance, Jon Hammond Band, #Rotthoff #Beatles #HammondOrgan

Public Access TV Show Preview 1022 Jon Hammond Show Music Travel Soft News

October 15, 2016

#WATCHMOVIE HERE: Public Access TV Show Preview 1022 Jon Hammond Show Music Travel Soft News

Jon’s archive


Musikmesse Warm Up Party – 30th year! – Jon Hammond

Bernie in the house from Bernies Music Land Australia! – Jon Hammond – jazzkeller Frankfurt

Massive chocolate chocolate cake for Jon Hammond’s 30th year musikmesse Warm Up Party / combo Jon’s birthday from best bakery in Frankfurt
Saray Pastanesi – great party again!

Public Access TV Show Preview 1022 Jon Hammond Show Music Travel Soft News – first segment:
High Definition Movie: Get Back in The Groove – Jon Hammond​’s annual musikmesse​ Warm Up Party – Jazzkeller​
– Jon Hammond Band​:
Giovanni Totò Gulino drums
Peter Klohmann tenor sax
Joe Berger guitar
Jon Hammond Sk1 Hammond organ + bass powered by Markbass amp
Second segment:
First song: Lydia’s Tune – Jon Hammond Funk Unit on Nissan Stage Nashville Nashville Music City Center, front line: Lee Oskar harmonica, Joe Berger guitar, Cord Martin tenor, Roland Barber trombone, Jon Hammond organ, Rhythm section Chuggy Carter congas & percussion, Louis Flip WInfield drums — Head Phone Late Rent Nissan Stage Jon Hammond Funk Unit
Nashville Tennessee Nissan Stage Summer NAMM Show — Head Phone Late Rent Nissan Stage Jon Hammond Funk Unit with special guest Lee Oskar, Roland Barber trombone, Cord Martin tenor saxophone, Chuggy Carter congas & percussion, Joe Berger guitar (TV Jones guitar and pickups), Louis Flip Winfield drums, Jon Hammond Sk1 Hammond organ and bass Greg Herreman productions manager, Michael Apodaca & Alex Moore audio / Sound Image Nashville, Tennessee – The NAMM Show Summer NAMM Show Nissan Stage – Jon Hammond Band — with Cord Martin, Lee Oskar, Joe Berger, Louis Flip Winfield, Roland Barber and Leslie J. Carter at The NAMM Show. – all compositions composed & published by JON HAMMOND International ASCAP #NAMMShow #SummerNAMM #FunkBand #HammondOrgan #Nissan #Nashville #NashvilleMusicCityCenter

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Producer Jon Hammond
Language English

Jon’s archive


Marshall Stax host of “Next Big Thing” program spins “Pocket Funk” by Jon
Hammond Band on KALX 90.7 FM – Musicians: Lutz Büchner saxophone,
Ernst-Friedrich Fiete Felsch saxophone, Michael Leuschner trumpet, Joe
Berger guitar, Heinz Lichius drums, Jon Hammond organ
Hosted by Marshall Stax. Every Monday night from 6 pm to 7 pm

Jon’s archive

“Head Phone” with Marc Baum on tenor sax, recorded at Victor Owens’ DIGISONIC STUDIOS in Berkeley California, “Canonball ’99…one more time!” from “Hammond’s Bolero” album with introduction by Corey James of Red Jazz on KYOU Radio San Francisco.
HammondCast 8 goes from Moscow Russia to Harlem with special guests Igor Butman (sax), Eduard Zizak (drums) Jon Hammond (organ) live at Le Club in Moscow Russia.

*Photo in Showmans Lounge circa 1990, Jon Hammond at the B3 organ with Cindy Blackman (now Cindy Blackman Santana) Wallace Roney, Gary Bartz, Charlie Epps

In Harlem at Showmans Lounge the legendary organ lounge on 125th St. with Cindy Blackman (drums, Wallace Roney (trumpet), Gary Bartz (sax), Charlie Epps (guitar) & Percy France announcing.

The mystery continues…who is the ‘child’ who’s not a child anymore? I checked with
Lawrence Ferlinghetti and he thought it was Sylvia Beach Whitman daughter of the late great George Whitman and now manager of Shakespeare and Company shop in St. Michel Paris – but the folks at Shakespeare and Company say no that’s not Sylvia – one of my best photos! I shot it with my (then new) Nikon F3 with motor, my first trip to Europe – Jon Hammond *anybody who knows or knows who the (then) child is give me a shout – JH ©JON HAMMOND International

*Note: George Whitman was the founder of Shakespeare and Company book shop at Ground Zero Paris across the street from the famous Notre Dame
George Whitman (December 12, 1913 – December 14, 2011) was the proprietor of the Shakespeare and Company bookstore in Paris, which continues to be a popular tourist attraction.[1][2] He was a contemporary of such Beat poets as Jack Kerouac and Allen Ginsberg.
Whitman was born in East Orange, New Jersey, United States, and while he was still an infant the family moved to Salem, Massachusetts.[3][4] In 2006 Whitman was awarded the “Officier de l’Ordre des Arts et des Lettres” medal by the French government for his contribution to the arts over the previous fifty years.
Born December 12, 1913
East Orange, New Jersey, United States
Died December 14, 2011 (aged 98)
Paris, France
Occupation Proprietor
Children Sylvia Beach Whitman

Whitman founded his bookstore in 1951 and named it Le Mistral, then later named it after Sylvia Beach’s earlier Paris bookstore “Shakespeare and Company”.[6] His shop, located at 37 rue de la Bûcherie in Paris, was opened in August 1951 (two years before a sister bookshop City Lights was opened in San Francisco by Lawrence Ferlinghetti) by George Whitman with an inheritance from his aunt. He called the shop “Le Mistral” after his first French girlfriend. From the very first night he allowed travellers, young writers, poets and artists to lodge in exchange for a hand in cleaning the shop, building shelves and selling books. Sylvia Beach, whose famous shop was on 12, rue de l’Odéon, was still in Paris and came to Le Mistral to see the writers of the new generation, whom Anaïs Nin called Xerox artists,[citation needed] read aloud their new work. Whitman modeled his shop after Sylvia Beach’s and, in 1958 while dining with George, she publicly announced that she was handing the name to him for his bookshop.[7] As it was the only free English-language lending library in Paris, the Beats who arrived at the Beat Hotel on rue Git-le-Coeur quickly found their way to the small bookshop and made a place for themselves there. In 1962, Sylvia Beach died, willing to Whitman a good deal of her private books and the rights to the name Shakespeare and Company. In 1964, Le Mistral was renamed Shakespeare and Company.

NAMM Sheraton Park Hotel at the Anaheim Resort Acoustic Stage
Jon Hammond Funk Unit

Event Date:
Thursday, January 21, 2016 – 9:00pm to 9:40pm
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Artist Info
Jon Hammond
Organ / Organist Leader
Joe Berger
guitar / guitarist

#TheNAMMShow #HammondOrgan #NAMM #Sheraton – The NAMM Show

Event Date:
Thursday, January 21, 2016 – 9:00pm to 9:40pm
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Jon’s archive

Jon’s archive


CNN iReport

Facebook Video:

by Jon Hammond

Published August 14, 2015
Usage Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0
Topics Landesjugendjazzorchester, LaJazzO MV, Organ Meets Bigband, Late Rent, Rostock, Baltic Sea, Michael Leuschner, #NDRJazz #HammondOrgan Steve Gray, Landesjugendorchester Mecklenburg Vorpommern

(FULL HIGH DEFINITION VERSION) Jazz Movie: “Organ Meets Bigband” in Rostock Klostergarten LaJazzO MV and full Landesjugendjazzorchester on the Baltic Sea, live very special concert – Leader Michael Leuschner’s concept here realized on a perfect evening – big thank you to Hr. Leuschner, the great young musicians of LaJazzO MV Landesjugendorchester Mecklenburg Vorpommern and projekt leaders, NDR archive arrangements by the late great Steve Gray – watch these young musicians, they are the future folks! Sincerely, Jon Hammond

Producer Jon Hammond
Language English

Jon’s archive


Funky James Preston drums on Smiley’s Schooner Saloon Jon Hammond Band gig
Jon Hammond – organ
Barry Finnerty – guitar
Bennett Friedman – tenor
James Preston – drums
Smiley’s Schooner Saloon Bolinas CA – West Marin County – AFM Local 6 — with James Preston, Barry Finnerty, Jon Hammond Band, Bennett Friedman and Jon Hammond Organ Group at Smiley’s Schooner Saloon.

Keith Emerson and Koei Tanaka at the New B3 Portable Organ – Jon Hammond

Public Access TV, Jon Hammond Show, #Music #Travel #NAMM #jazzkeller #Musikmesse #HammondOrgan